110 undocumented immigrants caught in raids on Raub factories, durian plantations


The immigration raids result in the arrest of 94 Indonesians, eight citizens of Myanmar, and four from Bangladesh and Pakistan.

RAUB: The immigration department has detained 110 undocumented immigrants in raids on three factories and 11 durian plantations around the Raub area.

Immigration Director General Khairul Dzaimee Daud said the raids were carried out in four series of operations as of August 13, with Indonesians accounting for the largest number of detainees (94 people), followed by nationals of Myanmar (8), Bangladeshis (4) and Pakistanis. (4).

“Most of them did not have travel documents and had abused the social visit passes issued to tourists,” he told the press after participating in the operation called “Ops Durian”, which takes place today in Sungai Ruan. .

He said that among the challenges he faced during the operation were the large size of the farms and the presence of dogs.

In another development, Khairul said the department was still looking for several people involved in a union that forged immigration stamps known as “Sindiket Anton”, which is believed to have been run by an Indonesian for the past two years.

On September 15, Bernama reported that the union was paralyzed after raids on two facilities in Sungai Way, Petaling Jaya, and the arrest of the union mastermind known as Anton, 38, and his wife, 32, also Indonesian. , September 14.
