1,086 shoes and slippers to represent the people of Myanmar taken away


PETALING JAYA: Challenger Malaysia, MISI: Solidariti, Pemuda Sosialis with the support of several other NGOs stand in solidarity with the 1,086 Myanmar citizens who were deported to Myanmar on February 23.

The deportation took place despite the stay of execution of deportation of Myanmar citizens issued by the Kuala Lumpur High Court on the morning of February 23.

Not only that, but the act itself violates the international legal principle of “non-refoulement,” the organizations said in a joint statement.

On March 5 at Taman Jaya Park, several representatives of the organizations listed above put up these 1,086 pairs of shoes to demonstrate how many people (men, women and even children among them, as reported by Amnesty International Malaysia) the Malaysian government has potentially convicted , many of whom left Myanmar in search of a better life for themselves and their families.

“All these lives cannot simply be reduced to a number, distant and disconnected from reality, so we must take a look at the space that each of them would have occupied if they had been here in the flesh as living and breathing individuals” the statement read. .

“However, even this does not do justice to the capture and representation of humanity of these individuals; These shoes cannot illustrate who they are as people: their hopes, dreams, and aspirations that all of us as individuals possess.

“Nor can we forget that according to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) reported that there were asylum seekers in that group, who were fleeing the violence and persecution of a government that seeks to ethnically cleanse Myanmar, a fact that the Immigration Department explicitly denied about when they said that asylum seekers were not included in the 1,086 deported people. Despite this, the Malaysian authorities deported them anyway in what can only be described as an act of rampant xenophobia. “

The organizations listed four demands:

• No cooperation with the Tamatdaw government

The current government of Tamatdaw in Myanmar was installed undemocratic by using brute force against the wishes of the Myanmar people, and maintaining its power through authoritarian means that are often violent and deadly. Malaysia should not be seen as legitimizing this government, either through bilateral agreements or cooperation in any form, due to an implication of tacit approval of its governance.

• Unambiguous access to immigration detention centers granted to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)

The government should allow UNHCR access to immigration detention centers, in order to determine detainees who are specifically vulnerable due to their persecuted minority status and grant them the protections that should be legitimately afforded them under the instruments. international human rights

• Moratorium on deportations, end the indefinite and arbitrary detention of all migrants

Migrants should no longer be subject to raids, arrests and detentions simply because of their immigration status. These practices are inhumane, violate migrants’ rights to a great extent, rob them of their dignity as individuals and subject them to terrible living conditions and even physical and / or verbal abuse, cases of which are well documented by many migrant organizations. human rights in Malaysia.

In addition to the above, the Malaysian courts initiate a judicial review against the government, the Director General of Immigration Datuk Dzaimee Daud and the Ministry of the Interior for their role in the deportation at the next hearing on March 9.

• Full transparency of the Malaysian Immigration Department

The Immigration Department should make data on arrests public and accessible, including, but not limited to, the number of detainees, broken down by sex, age group and nationality; refugee situation; exact place where the detainees are being held; length of time detainees have been detained; reasons for the extension of the detention, etc.

The statement was signed by Challenger Malaysia, MISSION: Solidariti, Pemuda Sosialis, Demokrat Kebangsaan, Suaram, North South Initiative, Parti Sosialis Malaysia, Refuge for the Refugees, Beyond Borders, Tenaganita, Liberasi and Al-Hasan Volunteer Network.
