1,009 new cases, 839 fully recovered cases registered


KUALA LUMPUR: The number of new positive Covid-19 cases in Malaysia today continued to record a four-digit number at 1,009 cases, further raising the number of active cases with infectivity to 10,503.

Health Director General Tan Sri Dr. Noor Hisham Abdullah said this brought the total number of positive Covid-19 cases in Malaysia to 36,434.

“Out of the total new cases, 1,000 are local transmissions, while the other nine are imported cases that were infected abroad, namely two cases from India and one case from Kazakhstan, Indonesia, South Korea, Nigeria, South Africa, Mexico and Cambodia.

The new cases today involve Sabah with 564 cases, Selangor (177), Labuan Federal Territory (92), Negeri Sembilan (90), Penang (36), Kuala Lumpur Federal Territory (14) Kedah (seven), Sarawak ( six), Perak (six), Melaka (five), Johor (two) and Putrajaya Federal Territory (one), ”he said at a press conference on the development of Covid-19 here today.

Dr Noor Hisham said that Covid-19 recovery cases today recorded a total of 839, bringing the cumulative number of cases that have fully recovered to date to 25,654, or 70.4 percent. of all cases.

Furthermore, six deaths were recorded today, bringing the cumulative number of deaths from Covid-19 to 277, while 78 positive cases were being treated in the Intensive Care Unit and 28 cases required respiratory assistance. – Called
