100 CCTV in Selayang Wholesale Market to Weed Out Illegal Traders


The Selayang Wholesale Market has been cleared of stalls run by illegal immigrants and offers adequate parking areas. (Photo by Bernama)

KUALA LUMPUR: Kuala Lumpur City Council (DBKL) will install more than 100 closed circuit television (CCTV) cameras around the Kuala Lumpur wholesale market in Selayang here to step up enforcement and curb the activities of illegal immigrants doing business there .

The Minister of Federal Territories, Annuar Musa, said that the CCTVs, which will be equipped with artificial intelligence functions such as facial recognition technology, will allow the monitoring and control of activities inside and outside the wholesale market to be carried out. in a more orderly way.

“We still find some merchants doing business outside the fence of the wholesale market and along the walkways, which then affects the flow of traffic in the area.

“CCTVs will be installed on and off the market for DBKL to monitor compliance. We will update them from time to time, ”he said at the awards ceremony for the Murals and Graffiti Contest in today’s wholesale market.

Annuar added that the construction of the hostel facilities with more than 200 beds for the wholesale market workers was fully completed and will be used from next month.

“We will consult with market traders to distribute the quota among workers who need this facility. This is to help workers who do not have a place to stay or have to pay high rent ”.

He said the rent for the facility would be as low as RM150 per month.

In addition to making it easier for workers to get to work, it would also attract more local workers, even from outside the capital.

Previously, Annuar spent almost an hour analyzing the transformation of the wholesale market, which is now more comfortable, cleaner, brighter and free of foreign workers following improvements in management and governance.

Upgrades include the addition of workstations in the control room, passes with QR code scans for wholesalers and their workers, fences, and motorcycle parking areas.
