Lunar and Martian tunnels could contain world colonies / Boing Boing

Lunar and Martian tunnels could cover the world of the colonies / Boing Boing

Massive lava tubes below the surface of the moon and Mars could be prime real estate for future habitats of the world. “With heights dwarfing Dubai’s Burj Khalifa, the tallest building in the world, and ‘roof rights’ as large as football fields,” the formations could contain small towns protected from solar radiation, LiveScience reports. According to a new study of geology published in the scientific journal Earth-Science Reviews, ‘most of the lunar tubes could be intact, making the moon an extraordinary target for exploration of the subsoil and possible settlement in the moon. widely protected and stable lava tube environments From LiveScience:

Science fiction authors like Kim Stanley Robinson have at times suggested printing craters like lava tubes and filling them with air. But Pozzobon said that scenario is unlikely, not least because in the lava tubes of the moon openings can be as wide as a football field.

“Because of their enormous size and the possibility of leaks due to rock breaking, I would see that they are not likely to be put under pressure,” Pozzobon told Live Science. “What is more likely is to establish settlements within this void, whether for hosting people or for storing equipment.”

However, even stashing a base in a lava tube presents challenges.

“Although a lava tube could provide shelter for thermal excursion, radiation and micro-impact, it is not easily accessible and the basaltic rocks of the interior can be razor-like sharp and the terrain very uneven,” he said. “That the technical challenges of placing inflatable habitats in such impressive caves are not trivial and require very detailed studies.”

image: European space scientists study lava tubes on Lanzarote, in the Canary Islands. (ESA – L. Ricci)