Local officials in China hid threats from Coronavirus from Beijing, US agencies

Communist Party leaders are overseeing an authoritarian system that prevents local officials from freely sharing information with officials at the national level, they said, and this has had fatal consequences for the world. It is a version of the so-called Chernobyl effect, in which local officials do not tell central authorities about a catastrophic event until it is far too late, US officials said.

In addition, officials in Beijing have been trying to spread disinformation about the origin of the virus. The CIA has said since at least February that Chinese central officials did not share everything they knew about the virus – including a more accurate case report – or did everything they could to help the world prepare for the pandemic.

Public reporting has been wrongly done by Chinese officials at all levels, but in different ways.

In early January, WHO officials began concluding that officials in Beijing were hiding information, The Associated Press reported in June, citing internal documents and recordings. Central officials delayed the release of the entire virus genome and ordered laboratories to destroy virus samples. At the same time, they sought to obtain more information from rhetorical Wuhan officials.

In early January, officials in Wuhan and the provincial government sought to suppress information about the outbreak, in part because they feared the dismissal of the local annual meeting of the Communist Party. .

Around mid-January, officials in Beijing began to realize the possible destruction. On January 13, Thailand said it had discovered a case of the new coronavirus, alerting Chinese officials, who within a day began spreading internal warnings of an impending disaster, according to documents obtained by The Associated Press.

A Taiwanese health official who visited a hospital in Wuhan along with other outsiders from January 13 to 15 said that a Beijing official told him of possible human-to-human transmission, even though officials ruled that possibility out. Two days later, the Wuhan Health Committee announced that a household in the city had the virus and that “limited human-to-human transmission cannot be ruled out.”