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Victoria Prime Minister Daniel Andrews speaks during a press conference on July 5 in Melbourne, Australia.
Victoria Prime Minister Daniel Andrews speaks during a press conference on July 5 in Melbourne, Australia. Asanka Ratnayake / Getty Images

Nearly 3,000 people in nine public housing estates in Melbourne, Australia underwent what the state prime minister called a “hard shutdown” on Saturday night, following a surge in cases in the city.

Residents will not be able to leave their homes, after cases of Covid-19 were discovered in the densely populated blocks. Police have been stationed outside the tower to enforce the order.

At least 23 people in the 9 towers have reported positive for the virus, according to Nine News, a CNN affiliate.

Everyone in the towers will be evaluated, except those who have already tested positive, Victorian State Prime Minister Daniel Andrews said, adding that those who refuse to be tested would risk an extension of the closure.

The blockade was imposed Saturday night, giving residents little notice. Abdirahman Ibrahim, the father of five children, told CNN affiliate SBS that he learned of the blockade on the evening news, without giving him time to store food for his children.

On Sunday morning local time, Andrews said residents would receive free rent and financial support.

He acknowledged that many residents of public housing units were in “poor health” and that “this is not going to be a pleasant experience.”

“A tremendous amount of work has been done throughout the night to provide food, essentials and support,” said Andrews, offering medical, psychological, drug, alcohol and family violence support services.

Many residents are “culturally and linguistically diverse,” Andrews said, adding that “all support will be provided in a culturally appropriate, linguistically appropriate manner.”

But Emma King, CEO of the executive director of the Victoria Social Services Council, said the blockade “would scare many people and bring back memories of past trauma.”

Some public housing tenants have fled war or family violence. Some face mental health problems. Many do not speak English as their first language. Many others have casual or insecure jobs, “said King.

Victoria has experienced a second wave of coronavirus cases in recent weeks, prompting authorities to impose a new closure on parts of Melbourne.

Mass tests in the state identified 74 new cases of Coronavirus on Saturday, according to Prime Minister Andrews. That figure is less than the 108 cases detected in Victoria on Friday.

There are 43 active cases in Victoria with 26 people in the hospital and 3 in intensive care.
