Proposed changes to traffic rules: motorcycles in lane A, “bike lanes”, traffic restrictions for electric scooters


The government plans to consider several amendments to the Road Traffic Regulations (TFE) proposed by the transport ministry at its meeting on Wednesday.

KET gearboxes: electric car charging areas, bike lanes

Among them, it is also planned to allow cars that provide passenger transport services to enter the area marked with prohibited traffic signs, to more strictly control the charging of electric cars.

The draft proposes to supplement the rules with the term “bike lane”. According to the ministry, it could be installed on a quiet street with slow traffic, such as the narrow streets of old towns and tourist centers. Such a street would allow a mix of motorized and non-motorized vehicle traffic, but would prohibit driving at speeds in excess of 30 km / h. speed and flex, the rider would be exempt from the requirement to ride in a row and as close as possible to the right edge of the lane.

Will the A + lanes also be used on motorcycles?

The amendments to the KET provide for the use of motorcycles in scheduled traffic lanes if the lane is marked with the symbol of a motorcycle, as well as for cars marked with the distinctive sign “Disabled” or a disabled person parking card.

Two types of lanes are being considered. Some of them would be marked with the letter A; only scheduled transport could work here, while also providing the ability to install separate traffic lights intended for regular transport only. At that time, not only public transport, but also other means of transport, including motorcycles, could use the lanes marked with the A + symbol.

At the suggestion of the Ministry, a new sign “No motorcycle traffic” would be created, which could restrict the traffic of motorcycles and electric scooters in those urban areas where there is a lot of pedestrian traffic or where traffic conditions require it.

It is proposed to add KET and another new point that the driver of a fully charged electric vehicle must immediately remove the vehicle from the electric vehicle charging place.

Bans on scooters and skates

It is also proposed that the prohibition of skating, skateboarding or scooters without a motorized roadway does not apply in a residential area.

Among other things, it is proposed to specify the values ​​of the traffic light signals, that is, that a green circular signal allows traffic in all directions: straight, right, left and turn.

The amendments also seek to make it clearer that the driver must yield not only to vehicles traveling in the opposite direction or to the right when turning left or at an intersection, but also to vehicles passing when such a tilt is allowed. ;

It is planned to add a new sub-clause to the rules, which would prohibit road users from delaying or stopping at the level crossing, as well as taking longer than necessary to cross or cross it.

Other amendments seek to clarify the procedure for passing special vehicles with blue or blue-red beacons on accompanying vehicles, and prohibit the towing of motor vehicle trailers by non-motor vehicles.

Special permits for vehicles of non-standard dimensions must be waived: their drivers must comply with the general provisions of the KET, a recommendation must be included for drivers to avoid unnecessary bending maneuvers and it must be clarified that the transported lamp must be visible to other road users.

With the approval of the government, the explanation of the traffic sign “Reserved parking space” would be clarified, that is, not only physical permits, which can be used behind glass, but also electronic permits would be allowed. It is also convenient to specify that the “Automatic Traffic Control” sign should be marked only on those sections of the road where fixed speed meters or other devices are installed to detect infractions.
