Graduates shared their impressions after the Lithuanian exam: they didn’t even analyze some topics, they didn’t have to wear masks


“This year, more than 26 thousand people will take the exams. General education students and final class vocational school. And there will be a total of 28,267 candidates – graduates, alumni and external students,” said Rūta Krasauskienė, Director of the National Agency of Education, which organizes the exam session, in a press release.

The Lithuanian language and literature exam is compulsory, therefore it will be taken by all those seeking a certificate of maturity. 17,268 candidates chose the state maturity test and 8,511 candidates chose the school maturity test.

First shared impressions

Delfi visited Vilnius Street At Christopher Gymnasium, he was interested in how this year’s graduates were successful after quarantine and distance learning to take the Lithuanian language and literature state exam.

The first twelve-year-old girl to drop the exam with a smile on her face said that everything was fine and that she also really liked the topics of the reasoned essay.

“It just caught our eye then. I chose a theme about art to see if it can influence and change the world. I think it is a very funny topic and you can express your opinion widely, I have not even looked at literature topics. There were also two authors on this topic, whether we could refer to them or not. I decided to trust them and everything was really good, “the girl assured me.

When asked if the exam went smoothly, Magdalena said the examiners were very friendly and helpful.

“These people helped a lot, they really encouraged us. It was really possible to feel the difference from last year, maybe just fewer people in the classes, but I didn’t feel any stress, I didn’t even have to wear a mask, which made me very happy. Closets, windows and doors were opened, it really helped a lot, because we didn’t run out of air. “

Lukas, who graduated later, was also in a good mood and it turned out that the subjects were not complicated.

“I think I wrote it well and didn’t even need a draft, I wrote everything in one draft at a time. I chose a literary topic, I wrote about intergenerational relationships in literature. It was also recommended to refer to the authors, but I did not choose them, I trusted my authors, who, in my opinion, were even better than indicated, ”he said.

According to Luke, distance learning did not cause him any additional problems, everything went as usual. There were also no misunderstandings during the exam.

“It was recommended to sit with the masks, I came with her, but I took it off during the exam itself. The classrooms maintained distances between people and were well ventilated. “

Twelve-year-old Elena, who left before the end of the exam, said it was not easy for her, although it was easier than expected.

“It was difficult, but a little easier than I expected. The themes were quite easy, the teachers prepared for us, nothing special really happened. I chose to write an art reasoning essay based on an author and cultural experience. ”

At the same time, the girl reprimanded distance learning and said it made no sense because it was completely difficult to work through the applications. According to her, that learning should be changed.

Maturity exam schedule – after analyzing statistics

The press release also announces that the 2020 maturity exam schedule has been developed so that the taking of exams, the evaluation of student work, the publication of results and admission to Lithuanian higher education institutions ensure expectations legitimate students. As every year, the main and repeated sessions of maturity exams are organized.

The exams chosen by the students were taken into account when compiling the exam schedule. The calendar aims to ensure that exams in different fields of education or exams in the same field, both chosen by a small number of students, are conducted one after the other.

Lithuanian language and literature, mathematics, foreign language (English) assessments and history tests are planned at the beginning of the main session. The goal is to be able to publish the test results on time.

The 2020 maturity exams will not take place on Saturdays.

Maturity exams: no surprises, but with higher security requirements

In a maturity exam session with no changed dates and higher security requirements, there should be no surprises. Representatives of schools and municipal administrations plan, in accordance with the recommendations of the National Education Agency (NSA), how to guarantee the appropriate conditions for taking the exams.

The NEA holds regular weekly meetings with representatives of the municipalities to discuss the procedures for taking the exams: how to properly prepare the facilities, how to guarantee the safety of students and professionals. Comments received from representatives of municipalities and school administrations suggest that the maturity examination session, which started on June 22, will run smoothly. The epidemiological situation in the country is constantly monitored and health professionals are consulted.

As every year, the National Education Agency cooperates with the Lithuanian Criminal Police Office in monitoring cyberspace to avoid possible cases of falsification or false maturity examination tasks in cyberspace.

An important change is that the exam sessions will start later and will have higher security requirements. This year, students will take the exams in groups of 9 people and the Information Technology exam in groups of 6 people. Last year, the tests were conducted in groups of 14 people.

Memorandum for the graduate

Safety during examinations will be ensured by greater distances between candidates, smaller groups of examiners and the necessary disinfectants.

Graduates entering the exam must, as always, bring their identity document, the necessary means to carry out the exam task and wear protective equipment that covers the nose and mouth: masks, respirators or other means, if the legislation of Quarantine requires the mandatory use of protective equipment in a public place.

If legislation no longer provides for this, it is recommended to wear protective equipment that covers the nose and mouth on a voluntary basis: masks, respirators or other protective equipment, and disposable gloves.

To receive the certificate: two maturity exams

As in previous years, to obtain a maturity certificate, it is necessary to pass 2 maturity exams: a compulsory maturity exam of Lithuanian language and literature and another maturity exam of the chosen subject or to prepare a maturity thesis. Candidates freely chose the type of Lithuanian language and literature maturity test: state or school. In total, the candidates were able to choose and take a maximum of 7 maturity exams.

The order of the repeated session does not change. During the same, the exams can be carried out by those candidates who, for a justified reason, do not attend the exams of the main session and present the documents that justify the reason together with the request to postpone the exam. Those who have not passed the Lithuanian language and literature maturity exam during the main session can also participate in the repeated session: they are allowed to take the school maturity exam for this subject.

Exam pass limits remain

The same passing limits for exams also remain. You must take 16% of the state maturity tests in biology, chemistry, physics, geography, history, mathematics, foreign languages ​​(English, French, Russian, German). homework points, information technology: 20 percent. work points and Lithuanian language and literature: 30 percent. homework points

The appeal procedure doesn’t change this year, either: After the results are announced, candidates can request a reevaluation of their work from the school principal within two business days and add reasoned information about why the evaluation should be changed.

During the appeal procedure, the work is re-evaluated: your evaluation may increase and decrease.

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