Ilya rose to fame by voice: television disappointed, changed professional direction and sees future in Germany | Names


How embarrassed are you to watch old TV shows? How did you survive the voice mutation? Why, when you tried to be a pop music performer, did you realize that it was not for you and, by distancing yourself from this direction, did you choose classical music? And what do you imagine for yourself in the future?

Many questions and a conversation with all the answers.

About the past. Why aren’t you watching your children’s performances?

I. Aksionovas, who comes from Visaginas, became famous in 2010, when he participated in the television talent show “2 Minutes of Fame”, as soon as he appeared in the first show, he impressed the audience and the commission with his voice. unique, and finally won the project. Recalling this show, Ilya says that participating in it was a spontaneous action, the boy just wanted to prove himself like in any other contest, and the popularity he did not reach. However, there were unfulfilled ambitions.

“I didn’t pay much attention to fame, I just sang. But I thought it goes, I won, there will be money, there will be more performances, there will be a race, etc. But for some reason it did not happen … Maybe because I was too young and My parents, who were then in charge of where and what I would sing, weren’t managers who would be very well informed in that area? So, at that time it didn’t happen and then everything turned out somehow, not the way I wanted. “, – I. Akksionov says openly.

Also, although Ilya’s participation itself was an interesting experience, she admits that she doesn’t like to see her children’s performances. The guy is strict with Lithuanian television at the time and claims that at least not in those days everything was done very professionally.

“After seeing the American and European examples, I expected a different level and when I went on stage I wanted to give that level, but for some reason I did not achieve it, nor the television, nor other people. On television, everything seemed to be a few years behind what was happening in the world, so I did not like all the singing format in Lithuania, and now, looking back, I think my opinion was correct.

If it hadn’t been filmed and I hadn’t seen it, I might never have thought about what fools looked like: how fools were filmed, how fools turned themselves in, or what questions were asked. But now, if someone finds me on YouTube and wants to start a program from childhood, I ask, if they want, but not when I’m here because I’m embarrassed. There are performances that embarrass me and it seems that I will always be embarrassed ”, – with 15 minutes as he never speaks openly for Ilya.

There are shows that embarrass me and it seems to be a shame always

“Probably the difference in our country was determined by finances, but those good examples spoiled me,” adds I. Akionovas, when he was a child he began to compare foreign television programs with Lithuanians.

However, Ilya clarifies that she does not want to receive all the accusations only from television, she does not regret the criticism. “Then I still did not like it, I thought that everything should be different.” Me, my parents and everyone else, we did not notice that something was wrong, or perhaps it was not possible to fix it at that time, “thinks the interlocutor.

LNK / Ilja Aksionovas photo with her teacher Vita Pimpiene, 2011

LNK / Ilja Aksionovas photo with her teacher Vita Pimpiene, 2011

After winning “2 Minutes of Fame”, Ilja appeared in several other television projects: she led the team from her hometown Visaginas in the “Lithuanian Supermiestas” program, along with singing teacher Vita Pimpiene participated in “Star Duets”, where he got second place. However, it soon disappeared from the public eye and came back different: it introduced a song with its already mutated voice.

“For some guys, it changes overnight, and for me it changed for a long time, gradually and I didn’t realize it. I even had a period where I could sing in both the male tenor and treble. And after that one night, during which I didn’t practice, had lessons or sang, he just changed and when I got to school the next day, I sang as a tenor, ”recalls I. Akksionov.

It seems the boy’s distinctive voice had become his calling card, as it was he who led the way to fame. Still, Ilya says he wasn’t really upset when those business cards were lost. On the contrary.

“I had no pain or thought about what it is, what it is like. Only now, thinking about it, and knowing that the others are still contractors, I am very happy that the voice has changed, I am glad to be a tenor, I really like it, “smiles I. Akksionov.

It is true that although he sang from childhood, music was initially only somewhere nearby, so Ilya did not consider becoming a singer from an early age, during his childhood he had the dream of occupying the presidency, the idea of ​​being an astronaut . But in the end, it was in the direction of the music, and when asked what caused it, I. Akksionov replied: “Life”.

“No one really influenced me, there are no musicians in my family, no one attended the music school. Maybe it was just at that time that there were very good teachers who saw that I had data, talent and told my parents to take me to a music school. So maybe people didn’t pressure me directly, but they encouraged me to attend the school that had already trained me there. “I. Akionovov remembers the beginning of his career.

About the present A new stage in life in Germany

Ilya, 24, has lived in Germany for several years. He went to study classical singing, because although he initially studied at the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theater, inspired by the knowledge of a teacher, he decided to start his studies again at the Robert Schuman Higher School of Music in Düsseldorf. The undergraduate boy has the last year left.

“Studies in Lithuania and here differ like heaven and earth precisely because of gaining experience. Although our school is twice the size of the LMTA, we can build an opera with an orchestra, all the scenery, so that everything looks as close as possible to the actual opera scene. In Lithuania, unfortunately, this is not very common, generally everything is done in a small room, with a piano.

Furthermore, after graduating from this school, he has sung, perhaps not as a soloist, but in a choir, already in four operas, which is quite different in Lithuania: it seems that only one opera is being built in the last year of his degree. So I think the students who graduate here are much more prepared to work on the real stage. ” I. Akksionov compares his studies in different countries.

Photo from the personal album / Ilja Aksionovas

Photo from the personal album / Ilja Aksionovas

Ilya combines science with additional concert activities, from which she earns a living. He performs not only at concerts in Düsseldorf, outside of school, but also at music festivals in Germany every summer, as well as in churches.

“There is a lot of singing in them, because the demand for mass is high, people like to walk here, listen to music and, what is good, it is a well-paid job, not like in Lithuania.” Of course, it depends on the church, its size, but it is always paid, because there is no unpaid work; Anyway, there is a completely different approach for singers and people. Perhaps the fact that in Germany residents have to pay a tax to churches is why they have money, “says the artist.

Here’s a completely different approach for singers

If you want to achieve better results or at least live more decently, you have to work hard: Ilya was also convinced of this rule. He is well aware that, in this case, I am not lazy, especially when science has to be combined with work.

“There are such gaps when there is no time at all and it almost causes tears.” Tired of coming home and then getting up early because rehearsals have to go sing. In the fall, for example, I had a very stressful period when I had to prepare for five projects at once. Then, deliberately, I experienced inflammation of the throat and I still had to sing, I couldn’t give up, ”Ilja opens.

Admittedly, this is not always the case. The life of an artist is not constant: sometimes many works fall at the same time, and sometimes there are significantly less. Therefore, Ilya is especially grateful for the quarantine period, which allowed her to regain strength.

“I had construction until mid-March, and right after that quarantine began, so I finished the job and for free. Anyway, my life as a singer is not always busy, but lately I have had a lot of free time for myself, my thoughts, and I really like it, I am happy because I can read books and relax ”, smiles the interlocutor.

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Ilja Aksionov

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Ilja Aksionov

Of course, Ilya also felt the negative side of the situation. Although he is slowly returning to work, some of the events have been canceled. This is also the summer festival in which you must perform, since the latter will not take place, the organizers had to get out of the situation, there will be individual concerts, where only a few soloists and a pianist will perform.

“It was supposed to be Joachin Rosini from Cinderella, but she can’t take all the training anymore, so I will sing with another soloist and the host will read the lyrics. There are all kinds of initiatives, attempts to bring the events back, but it is still difficult because they only return in part. For example, there should be my concert with the choir in September, but it is not possible, because the choir cannot even meet for rehearsals. ”I. Aksionov regrets.

It is true that Ilya does not hide the fact that getting used to living in Germany was not easy at first. Probably the main reason for this is financial differences.

“I still need more money here, it was difficult to just come and start paying everything at the level that the Germans pay for some things, say 40 euros for a phone, etc.” It was difficult, but not in terms of work, because the teachers at our school, thank God, help the students a lot, even before coming to Düsseldorf, I already had a job, I already had the opportunity to sing at a concert ”, says I. Akionov.

He shook his head when asked if the change in life was difficult to psychologically lift. Ilya explains that while studying at National M.K. Čiurlionis School of Arts became independent at an early age, at the age of 13 he was no longer strongly attached to his parents, and was spending more and more time without them. Oh, and a loner in Germany doesn’t really feel, he has to communicate with someone.

“I have a friend here from Lithuania, with whom we have communicated very well before. There are perhaps five Lithuanians in our school, a good pianist Paulius Anderson also studies with us, which makes life very easy. Also, many Russian speakers , who also helped me, as a Russian speaker, “says I. Axisov.

Well, the boy currently returns to Lithuania a few times a year. “Not as often as I would like, but it’s all just about work, because there are so many and few vacations. In general, when others are on vacation, we musicians have to work ”, Ilja describes the somewhat sadder aspects of her profession.

However, despite being away from his hometown, he also keeps in touch with people from an earlier stage of his life. Every time he returns to Lithuania, he tries to meet V. Pimpiene, who used to teach him, and now he himself shares advice with his students.

“It is a new activity in my life, but generally the singers have no way out: they will have to teach something to someone at the same time. I tried it with the Vita students, we also work on their program” Song of songs “, I really liked it” says I. Aksionovas, who thanks not only V. PimpienP, but also Virgilijus Noreikas, who took seven years to teach after winning the project. years.

About the future. A career as a classical music performer

Even before leaving for Germany, Ilja released several pop songs, which are still heard on Lithuanian radio stations. However, it seems that this is the end of his career as a pop musician: he believes that he connects his future with classical music, so it is not surprising that he is studying it now.

“I think I have more opportunities with classical music, because it is very difficult to leave Lithuania with pop music. There are singers who are lucky, but rarely, mostly they are artists from the United States, England and France. And in classical music, that is much easier.

Also, it’s closer to me, closer to my heart. Unfortunately, I don’t create music, so I think it would be difficult in the pop industry because I couldn’t convey my emotions and I really didn’t want anyone else. Although perhaps I contradict myself, because I do not sing my own works in classical music either, but for some reason I do not like the culture of pop music in the sense of transmitting emotions “, – with reflections with 15 minutes Ilya shares.

Photo from the personal album / Ilja Aksionovas

Photo from the personal album / Ilja Aksionovas

Therefore, he firmly answers that if someone offered to hold a concert of pop songs, they would probably refuse. The guy thinks it’s not very possible to be both a pop singer and a classical Aryan singer at the same time.

“It just caught our eye then. I like, for example, jazz, a pop singing technique that is different, and mastering it even more in some way, maybe I would because I could use that knowledge for classical singing. However , it would really be very difficult to constantly sing both this repertoire and this one. ”I. Akionov is convinced.

I have more opportunities with classical music, because it is very difficult to leave Lithuania with pop music.

Ilya, who will graduate a year later, intends to continue living in Germany. He will try to develop his professional career from it, because he believes that this is where the circumstances are particularly favorable.

“The center of classical music is Germany, where the largest number of theaters is located. Of course, there are other countries, but living in Düsseldorf is not far from France, and England and Austria, everything is very convenient. I think I will stay here, but I’m going to look for a job somewhere else, since I don’t necessarily have to move somewhere to work. And it happens that after getting a role in acting, you go for a while and get accommodation there. But then go home, ” I. Akionov says about the subtleties of work.

However, when asked when people will be able to hear him perform in Lithuania now, Ilja replies that as long as that is not his priority. And although he is reassured by the desire to delight the listeners of our country and occasionally talks about it with the pianist, he sighs that not everything is so simple.

“A few years ago we organized a French music concert at the Vaidila Theater, we spent a lot of time just to translate the texts into Lithuanian. The concerts need a lot of preparation and financial resources, because they want to present it in the best possible quality, not only to sing the most popular opera arias, but to prepare an intellectual program that is understandable to Lithuanian listeners. I still don’t know how to implement it, “regrets Ilja.

Incidentally, after mentioning language skills, I. Akksionov does not hide that this is one of the aspirations of his life. Currently, the boy speaks Lithuanian, Russian, German, and English, and speaks less French. In French, it was true that he used to speak better, because he lived in France for a summer, but then he left this language aside: after moving to Germany, he began to learn German and had to reach level B2 in half a year.

“As a classical singer, I have to speak at least five languages ​​fluently, I consider Lithuanian to be the sixth, so I have to remember French and Italian is still standing.” That is my goal: to be able to play, sing, I have to understand what I’m singing about, and understand not only how to translate through Google Translate, but to think, think and feel that language ”, she shares her beautiful aspirations. I. Aksionovas.

Sometimes those around me. Akksionov asks if he would not like to appear on television again, thanks to which he became famous. However, he thinks that the current Lithuanian television would not live up to his expectations either, and when he thinks about the possibility of appearing on the screens of other countries, he asks the question: does he really need it?

“Dad said to me: Go to Russia and sing, because a classical musician is there and won. But I’m not sure it’s the level I want either. After all, my goal is not to sing on television, but in the theater, at the opera. I don’t think television paves the way for the operatic scene, “thinks Ilja.

He admits that he does not like much the attention that became popular. “Maybe someone would say I had to get used to it, but that’s not the case so far,” says Ilya.

Therefore, I. Akksionov is not very active on social media, they are not very close to his heart. Admittedly, he had a Facebook page with 11,000 followers, but he eventually kept it a secret because he just didn’t know what content he could post there. However, now he realizes that it is not possible to do without social media today, so he is considering sharing his classical music recordings in the future, so that people can see not only what it was like a decade ago, but what is now.

“When you meet a person, you have to share what is happening in their life, but I’m not used to that either, the question of who would wonder why people have to remind me. But fame, of course, the classical music singer needs it too, then people come to his concerts, theaters invite. However, it was only recently that I started to think about this and I’m still not sure how I want to achieve it ”, the interlocutor still doubts.

And what dreams does Ilya have? He smiles and says that now his wishes are only domestic.

“I dream of how many and what kind of houses I want to have, where I want to live,” says Akionionov as an example. – And I don’t think much about my career, in which world theater in particular I want to sing, I don’t waste strong words that I want to be a world star and the best singer. All I know is that I will have to work very hard to make those simple dreams come true because they need money. “

Here Ilya mentions the example of her current teacher, Konrad Jarnot. When asked about authority, he names her: he admires not only her singing, her perception of style, her posture on stage, but also her professional career.

“A person has earned so much that now he can only teach because he has the resources for a lifetime. And I wouldn’t want to focus on singing alone, there have to be other activities as well. This is the option where a person sings and then creates freedom for himself in a financial sense and he can already choose when to sing and when not, I like it “, opens the young interpreter.

ALSO READ: Ilya Aksionov: “The birth of a disabled sister made me even more mature”

ALSO READ: Ilya Axionov, famous for his unique voice: “I am starting again in Germany”

ALSO READ: Ilya Aksionov, who spent the weekend in Rome, felt at home: “You didn’t even need maps”
