The future of apartment buildings: renewable sources


Applications for the renovation of multiple apartment buildings can be submitted to the Housing Energy Saving Agency (applications are accepted at all regional offices) directly or through the postal and courier services until 2021. June 1

During this call, alternative energy sources may be introduced at the discretion of residents, and the requirement to install solar power plants will apply if the renovation (modernization) project of an apartment building starts after 2020. February 5 and whether the apartment building has the technical capacity to install a solar power plant. An additional 30% may be allocated to such projects and measures. support of the Climate Change Program.

Solar power plants

According to the Lithuanian Solar Energy Association, solar power plants are an efficient and convenient way to save on electricity costs: in 7 years, the installation costs of the power plant are covered and the population continues to receive electricity almost free . This is a long-term investment, as solar modules retain 90 percent even after 25 years. power.

In a typical apartment building, around 3000 kWh of electricity is used per year for general needs. Under Lithuanian conditions, 1 kW solar power plants produce around 1000 kWh of electricity per year. This means that the house needs a 3 kW solar power plant, the final price of which with the installation would reach approximately 3-4 thousand. EUR.

According to the Lithuanian Solar Energy Association, it is not difficult to install such a solar power plant; Any professional solar installation company should install it easily. Usually this power plant is needed and maintained: once a year to inspect the cables and connectors, check that the contacts and the voltage converter are working normally. This can be done by any electrician familiar with solar power plants.

In winter, it is not worth clearing the snow from the solar power plant, because in December-February there is little light, so only 4-6 percent is lost without cleaning. annual energy. Of course, if someone shovels the snow and dust in the spring, a solar power plant can produce a little more.

It is recommended to install other devices together with the solar power plant.

“By building a solar power plant, it is possible to install a heat pump together, which uses the electricity produced by the power plant. This is a common practice, as this option is economically attractive: it reduces taxes on both heating and electricity, ”says Valius Serbenta, Director of the Housing Energy Saving Agency.

The heat pump is an ecological device that does not emit pollutants into the environment. The heat extracted from the surrounding heat source (soil, water or air) is transferred to the heating system of various apartments with the help of a heat pump. One of the advantages of such a system is hot water always available, even when the heating networks disconnect it due to annual preventive work.

The installation of alternative energy sources for heating is mainly encouraged in those apartment buildings that are not connected to the district heating supply. However, apartment buildings receiving district heating can also benefit from additional support.

Green choice and big savings

Alternative energy sources have been installed in nearly 80 apartment building modernization projects. One of them, located in Marijampolė, was recognized as the best rehabilitation project of 2019. Here, the energy demand decreased by more than 80% after the implementation of the measures, such savings were achieved through the geothermal heating system chosen by residents. More than 1,500 apartment renovation projects are currently underway and some of them are expected to be equipped with alternative energy sources.

The use of green energy is not only an economic benefit for the population, but also a significant contribution to the fight against climate change. After renovation of old apartment buildings, energy efficiency increases on average by more than 60%, which also leads to a significant reduction in CO2 emissions.

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