V. milyt-Nielsen: freer quarantine – in Rietavas, Jurbarkas, Kalvarija, Birton


Photo by Judita Grigelyts (V)

Viktorija milyt-Nielsen, spokesperson for the Seimas del Liberal Sejm, says that after assessing morbidity indicators, quarantine conditions could be devastated in Rietavas, Jurbarkas district, Kalvarija and Birtonas municipalities in the near future, and some service providers and businesses could be devastated. Opened.

In the near future, some services and businesses could open in Rietavas, as well as in Jurbarkas, Kalvarijai or Birton, on Facebook on V. milyt-Nielsen day.

According to her, mayors are willing to ensure the necessary security measures, including regular testing of service providers and employees of large companies and restrict the provision of services only to residents of the municipality.

The conditions are there, the mayors are ready. All you have to do is meet them, says V. milyt-Nielsen.

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