Level 5 recommendation puts the government in an ‘impossible position’

The entire country should be placed on Level 5 sanctions for a period of four weeks, with the government saying the move comes as a widespread shock and concerns over the impact of these sanctions.

While the country remains at level 2 on Monday morning – or Dublin and Donegal level 3 – government sources said the recommendation has put it in an “impossible position”.

Cabinet sources expressed deep concern about the impact of such a level of warning on the advancing economy and society, as well as whether it would be widely accepted.

The National Public Health Emergency Team (NPHET) met on Sunday to discuss the growing incidence of the virus, as well as the potential impact on the health system of increasing cases.

There was a growing expectation on Sunday that a slight increase in the state’s vigilance level was likely to be recommended, with the suggestion of a complete lockdown of the republic taking the country’s political leadership by surprise.

On Sunday evening, cabinet sources reacted strongly to the adoption of the recommendation. One minister said: “My concern is that people will not accept it. People have it right now. They find these restrictions very difficult; Human contact is not in some finite form. “