Lemnis Gate is the Live Die Repeat of strategy games

The time-consuming first-person-shooter Lemnis Gate took center stage on Thursday during Gamescom’s online presentation hosted by Geoff Keighley. Developed by Ratloop Games Canada and published by Frontier Developments (Elite: dangerous, Planet Coaster, Jurassic World: Evolution), each multiplayer round takes place in just 25 seconds of real time. But, due to its futuristic contempt, players can rely on extra moves to create a layered, dynamic round of play.

Polygon had the opportunity to interview the team in early August. We learned that although each round lasts only 25 seconds, a single session will take about 15 minutes to play out.

“You play in first person, and character ‘A’ becomes what you did [first], ”Said game director James Anderson. ‘After you’re done with your 25 seconds that [gameplay] will run over and over again until the end of the match. That character will always do the same loop, over and over again. Then I’ll take a turn, and I’ll add my character. Now I add him in just 25 seconds. […] At the end of the game, there will be five versions of me, and five versions of you, all playing in the same 25 seconds. ”

Anderson was very candid about the challenges inherent in making a game like this. Precision, it turns out, goes far beyond tight hitboxes.

“Have you heard of the ‘butterfly effect’, where one tiny little thing can create enormous chaos elsewhere?” Anderson asked. “It simply came to our notice then. Imagine that every bullet, every jump, everything you touch or look at has to happen in exactly the same way every time.

‘When this bullet is one mile out,’ he went on, ‘suddenly no one has died when they should have. And then that person went on to kill another. And then that person did not die now, and then that p went; erson continued with capturing the objective, and now the objective is not captured. That there is this massive cascading failure. ”

The game includes seven different character classes such as the Commander (a general purpose character with an assault rifle), the Pharmacist (who can paint poisonous zones on the map), the Assistant (a robot with defensive skills), and the Sniper (who the bullet time used on range). More will be named and made public in due course.

All in all, this is a terribly interesting concept that can appeal to fans of first-person shooters and strategy games. The only stumbling block is the name.

What exactly is a “Lemnis Gate”?

“I’m not sure I can tell you that,” Anderson said, just before he told us. “It is an interplanetary network that will move a massive region of space around the Earth by 50 years when fired or fired.

“Every player in the game comes from parallel universes,” he continued, “and the players strive to be the first dimension to activate the device and ensure that their reality is the one that survives.”

The final game, which is expected in early 2021 on PlayStation 4, Windows, and Xbox One, will include two-player and four-player, team-based versus modes.