Zarif on Flying US Bombers: We’re Not Ashamed to Squash the Aggressors


Commenting on the flight of US “B52” bombers over the Gulf, Iranian Foreign Minister Muhammad Javad Zarif says that Iran did not start the war for more than 200 years, but is not ashamed to crush the aggressors.

  • Zarif: Iran didn't start war in more than 200 years, but it is not ashamed to crush the aggressors
    Zarif: Iran didn’t start war in more than 200 years, but is not ashamed to crush the aggressors

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, commenting on US “B52” bombers over the Gulf, said his country “is not ashamed to crush the aggressors.”

In his tweet on Twitter, Zarif said: “If the US bomber patrols aim to intimidate or warn Iran, it must spend these billions of dollars on the health of taxpayers.”

He added that “Iran did not start the war for more than 200 years, but it is not ashamed to crush the aggressors.”

Zarif’s words came after Israeli media reported that two American B-52 Stratofortress bombers had flown over Israeli airspace into the Gulf.

And earlier this month, Politico magazine quoted sources at the Pentagon that “US forces in the Middle East are on high alert.”

The magazine, citing military sources, said: “The Pentagon closely followed disturbing signals about preparations by Iraqi factions allied with Iran to carry out a possible attack on US forces in Iraq.”

He added: “The Defense Ministry is concerned that Iran will take advantage of the presidential transition in the United States or withdraw forces from Afghanistan and Iraq to carry out the attack.”

Two US B-52 strategic bombers flew from their US base to the Middle East on December 31.

The US Central Command confirmed at the time that “the two bombers flew with aircraft belonging to what they described as” regional partners “, while US media quoted Pentagon officials that the two bombers flew over the Arabian Peninsula and the Gulf and rotated extensively near Qatar while keeping a safe distance from the coasts.

In the context, the president of the United States, Donald Trump, issued a decision directed to the Central Command of the American forces, to expand its reach in the Middle East and include “Israel” in it, in contrast to the policy followed for decades , where he followed the leadership of the European forces.

The Wall Street Journal indicated that Trump intends to establish new rules to restrict the policies of President-elect Joe Biden.

According to the newspaper, “This step means that the US Central Command will oversee US military policy that includes both” Israel “and the Arab countries, and is the latest in a series of measures by the Trump administration to shape the national security agenda that President-elect Joe Biden will inherit.
