Zarif accuses Trump of trying to find an excuse to go to war in the Gulf


6:37 pm

Thursday 31 December 2020

Tehran – (dpa):

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif accused US President Donald Trump of looking for an excuse to wage war against his country in the Gulf.

Zarif wrote on Twitter today, Thursday, that “intelligence from Iraq indicates an American plot and a fabricated pretext to launch a war (against Iran).”

At the same time, Zarif said that his country does not want war, but will defend its security and interests decisively, and advised the outgoing American president to pay attention to the Corona pandemic in his country instead of sending bombers and warships to the region.

Next week, the first anniversary of the assassination of prominent Iranian commander, Qassem Soleimani, by an American drone in Iraq, on Trump’s orders. The United States feared Iranian retaliation for the operation and strengthened its military presence in the Gulf.

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani announced that his country still intends to avenge Soleimani, but refrained from making specific threats, adding today that “the order to kill Soleimani is one of Trump’s sins that cannot be excused, and on a suitable day the Iranian people will take revenge for the general’s bloodshed. ” A national hero “who became a regional legend after his martyrdom.”

Observers believe Iran is determined to stop any provocative action, at least until US President-elect Joe Biden takes office on the 20th of next month, especially as Rouhani expects Biden to return to the nuclear deal signed in 2015. and lift the sanctions imposed on your country.

Zarif had expressed his aspiration for new beginnings at the beginning of the new year, ending an “era of terror” that lasted four years.

In his tweet on the occasion of the new year, Zarif reflected his country’s desire to open a new page with the Biden administration, after the deterioration and escalation in relations between Iran and the Trump administration.

“With the end of a year of pain, let’s look forward to new beginnings next year, ending an era of insanity and disregard for law and pluralism, an era that lasted four years and caused much bloodshed, terror and brutality.” Zarif wrote on Twitter.

Zarif called for concerted efforts to make 2021 a year of peace, health and happiness.
