You can cheat the test and evade … Coron Warning | Phalanges


Genetic variants of the new Corona show false test results for the disease.

Despite the optimistic environment in which the world lives with the start of vaccination operations against the new Coronavirus in more than one country, the US Food and Drug Administration issued a warning that the new epidemic strains could be misleading for testing for infection and disease infection.

The administration explained, as published by the US network “CNN”, that health care providers and laboratories noted that the genetic variants of the emerging corona virus known as the new strains, whether they appear in Britain or South Africa, show false results of Covid 19 infection tests.

great danger

The test results showed that the new Corona strains falsely and misleadingly display negative epidemic test results, which could cause further spread of the infection, noting that false negative results occur with tests of the particles in the mutation occurred, which can pose a great risk of trapping the spread of infection. In various regions.

Hours ago, the US Food and Drug Administration recommended that the test be repeated for those suspected of having a Corona infection more than once to make sure they were infected or not.

Constant monitoring

In turn, the American Network quoted Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Stephen Hahn as saying: “The US Food and Drug Administration will continue to monitor the viral genetic variants of the emerging corona virus, to make sure that the Authorized tests continue to provide accurate results for Covid 19 patients. “

Han continued: “At this time, we believe that the data indicates that currently licensed Covid 19 vaccines may still be effective against this strain, but the test should be repeated until false results emerge. The US Food and Drug Administration It will continue to inform healthcare providers and the public. With any new information as it becomes available. “

It is noteworthy that a new scientific study had previously confirmed that the “Pfizer” vaccine has been shown to be highly effective against the two new strains of the Corona virus that cause “Covid 19”, the two new ones that appeared in Great Britain and South Africa.

The US agency “Associated Press” declared that the new study proved to be effective against all mutations and variables that occur in the emerging corona virus, after those mutations caused worldwide concern.
