Years of misconceptions … How do we use toothpaste?


It has always been necessary to brush your teeth twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste for two minutes at a time, but a dentist in Malaysia has revealed the misconception about the proper amount to use to clean your teeth.

The “Health” site said that commercials often show the toothbrush full of toothpaste, as if telling consumers that the more they use a large amount of toothpaste, the more effective they will be cleaning.

A Malaysian dentist who teaches at King’s College London, Gao Jie Te, denied this belief and shared helpful tips on dental health through his TikTok account.

And Teh showed in a video that the proper amount of toothpaste for people over 3 is the size of a pea.

It should be noted that this information is also written on the toothpaste tube and is one of the things that most people do not read.

“The commercials are lying to you! I don’t need to use too much toothpaste,” Teh said.

He stated that using an amount greater than the size of a pea represents a great risk for children who have not yet acquired fully developed teeth.

“This is because fluoride, when used in large amounts, can cause a health problem known as fluoride poisoning,” he explained.

For children under the age of 3, Gao Ji recommended a “rice-sized amount” of toothpaste.

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