“World Health” gives good news about “Corona”


In good news, the World Health Organization expects the end of the emerging corona virus that causes (Covid-19) in early 2022.
The head of the World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe, Hans Kluge, said: “We now know more about the Corona virus than we did last year … the worst case scenario is behind us … We know more about the virus compared to 2020, when the virus just started to spread. “
He indicated that the virus in this way will remain among the people, and there will simply be no need for restrictions, emphasizing that this is only an expectation, because no one can know exactly how the situation will develop.
The World Health Organization, last Wednesday night, gave good news to the world about the emerging corona virus (Covid-19), announcing a decrease in the number of infections worldwide, by 16 percent.
But despite this notable reduction, the organization confirmed that the health crisis is not over yet, so countries continue to tighten restrictions and vaccination campaigns.
It is noteworthy that the virus has infected more than 115.06 million people worldwide, while the total number of deaths has reached two million and 657,493.
Cases have been reported in more than 210 countries and regions since the first cases were discovered in China in December 2019.

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