“Without a vaccine” … a critical view of the British plan to live with Corona


On Thursday, specialist experts voiced their medical opinion on the British government’s ambitious plans to carry out millions of tests daily for the Corona virus in an attempt to help people resume their normal lives, in the absence of a vaccine.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson said Wednesday that he wanted to run much simpler and faster mass tests “in the near future” to identify people who do not have the virus so that they can “act in a more natural way, knowing that they cannot. infect anyone else. “

Johnson said people with negative “passports” could attend events in places like theaters, and said he “hoped” the plan would roll out in the spring.

Johnson made the comments when announcing new drastic measures to try to curb the recent spike in Covid-19 virus cases in Britain.

Starting next Monday, social gatherings of more than 6 people will be banned in England – whether indoors or outdoors – and Johnson indicated that such restrictions would remain in effect until or until Christmas, as quoted by “The Associated Press. “.

But health professionals were quick to question the claims of the massive tests, with one expert describing the strategy, known as the “Moonshot process,” “fundamentally flawed.”

“It’s based on a technology that doesn’t exist yet,” said Dr. David Strain, a clinical professor at the University of Exeter.

He explained that Johnson’s proposal for new tests that can give rapid results, such as a pregnancy test, is “unlikely if not impossible” by spring, and that the technology is still far from reliable.

“It has been shown that current technology fails to identify up to a third of people with Covid-19 in the early stages of the disease. After the second test, which takes place 48 hours later, we still have not identified more than a fourth part of the people, “Strain said.

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