With “Silence of the Guns” … Settlement dreams of returning to “Jenin Countryside”


Ramallah | “Homesh”, “Kadim”, “Janim” and “Sanur” are four settlements evacuated by the Israeli enemy army and its settlers, in addition to the “Tersala” camp, and all belong to the Jenin governorate, except for “Homesh”, whose lands belong to the population of the city of Burqa, northwest of Nablus. And both are in the north of the occupied West Bank, as these settlements were evacuated at the same time as the enemy’s withdrawal from the Gaza Strip settlements 15 years ago, and their memory was not far from these days. “Kadim”, for example, witnessed 13 shots fired by settlers from the windows prior to the evacuation, according to the story of the martyr Basel Al-Araj, but as the intensity of the resistance diminished, the settlers began to try to return from from time to time to evacuated settlements, which shows the viability of the second intifada and not the other way around, he explained. The trick for a group of students one day.

The evacuated settlements are characterized by a strategic location, beautiful views, and a distinct geography. The forested area of ​​Al-Sweitat formed a haven for hundreds of vacationers, the site of “Janim” and “Kadim” previously, and “Homesh” exposes more than half of the occupied Palestinian coastline. Following the withdrawal, Palestinian municipalities formulated plans to reactivate the evacuated settlements through the construction of tourist and health facilities, but the enemy informed the Palestinian Authority that these areas would remain classified as “C” and within its powers. The settlers’ attempts to return were not limited to repeated attacks and raids on the land, but there were repeated official attempts to legitimize the settlement activity there, as members of the Knesset presented a bill to cancel the withdrawal. According to the Hebrew newspaper “Yediot Aharonot”, a project was presented two months ago to officially lift the restrictions and facilitate the movement of settlers there. Originally, since US President Donald Trump announced the “deal of the century,” the head of the Northwest West Bank Settlements Council, Yossi Dagan, led a campaign calling for the return of “Homesh” and the rest of the settlements evacuated.

Netanyahu has approved 5,000,000 new settlement units

Local sources in Burqa city say 2011 was a milestone in settler attacks on the lands where “Homesh” was sitting, as the settler attacks escalated with the enemy army watching, and during which the lands that had been claimed were burned for years since the withdrawal, as the settlers managed to burn most of them. Land. On the road between northwestern Nablus (specifically from the Burka crossing) to the city of Silat al-Dhahr (south of Jenin), settlers launched a series of attacks since the agreement was announced, ranging from throwing stones passing vehicles, attacking houses on the outskirts of Burqa and returning with provocative marches to settlement areas. Previously. According to a special statistic that “Al-Akhbar” received, Burqa, its Palestinian farmers and vehicles were the target of three attacks in the past week, carried out by settlers in groups, while not a single month has passed since the beginning of this year. without registering an attack by settlers in the vicinity of “Homesh”, with an average of three attacks per month. , Which is an unprecedented increase since the settlement evacuation.
Connoisseurs of the area say that “Homesh” is the weakest link, and this explains the intensification of the settler attacks there, as opposed to other evacuated settlements relatively close to the Palestinian places of residence, as well as the strategy of the site. “Homesh” connecting two governorates, with the absence of adjacent “A” zones. It facilitates the flight of settlers after the attacks. And there is a famous talk by Al-Araj about these settlements and the “Jenin camp” model of defeating the settlements, when he said: “From Shafi Shimron near Deir Sharaf to the beginning of the Jenin camp, there are no settlements, (all) were evacuated under pressure from the Jenin field model resisting. ” But that came at a great price that was paid twice, the first in the Great Revolution in 1936 when the area was a “true triangle of fire” and prevented Jewish settlement, and after almost 70 years the people of the Jenin countryside were left behind. benefited from this legacy of resistance, “every price you pay with resistance if you don’t take it in your life.” Take it later. Resistance is a continuous viability. “
In addition to these attacks, another Israeli decision was issued about two weeks ago to seize the lands of two ancient monuments, namely Deir Qala and Deir Samaan in the cities of Deir Ballut and Kafr al-Dik, west of Salfit (center ). Although the settlements surround and besiege the two archaeological areas, in addition to their location in Area C, the latest decision represents the official legitimation and imposition of guardianship over these monuments and the falsification of their history and successive ancient civilizations, they say. observers, and also prevents Palestinians from permanently returning to them in exchange for facilitating access. Colonists. On the other hand, the Hebrew Channel 7 website revealed that the head of the enemy government, Benjamin Netanyahu, approved the construction of 5,000 new settlement units in dozens of West Bank settlements following the end of the “Jewish holidays” early next year. month, which indicates a relentless campaign that may end soon until Announcement that the annexation was carried out gradually and de facto … with the absence of resistance, especially with firearms.

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