“Wind fields”: Israel rushes to displace the Golanists


A new chapter in the Zionist project to extend full control over the occupied lands of the Syrian Golan, which was launched by Israeli enemy forces yesterday morning, bringing huge bulldozers supported by more than a thousand security personnel, with the aim to examine the soil in the lands belonging to the villages of Baqatha, Masada and Majdal Shams, and the villages of Hadar and Jabatha Al Khashab. The editors. This step is considered the second phase of the “wind fields” project, according to which the Israeli enemy works to build giant fans on the plateau to generate alternative energy and supplement the occupied entity with it, as part of a systematic plan to displace to the remaining Golan inhabitants in four villages.

All the continuous Israeli attempts, from the occupation of the Golan to the “annexation decision” in 1981, to control the Syrian plateau, failed to force the inhabitants of Masada, Baqatha, Ein Qinya and Majdal Shams to renounce their Syrian identity, nor to subject Syria to renounce its position on all Syrian rights. On the busy plateau. Despite the position of the President of the United States, Donald Trump, on March 25, 2019, in recognizing Israeli “sovereignty” over the occupied Golan, which is why he earned the name of a settlement in his name on the ruins of a Syrian village, supported the occupation papers to complete the displacement process, but did not succeed Subjecting the people to the new reality, nor did it succeed in getting the United Nations to make options other than UN Resolution 497 (1981), which ruled that the decision of “annexation” was null, especially after the United Nations General Assembly last week declared the occupation decisions in the Golan null and void. The plateau is a Syrian Arab.
The movements on the plateau are due to the impact of global transformations awaiting Trump’s departure from the White House, as the occupation seeks to establish a fait accompli in the occupied Golan and southern Syria in general, sponsored by Trump and his team as part of the “deal of the century,” particularly through statements by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. , Who visited the occupied Golan immediately after the US elections, and through a displacement plan in the four villages, and targeted Syrian army sites in the south to undermine the authority of the state after the restoration of the entire south of armed terrorist gangs.

Wind turbines
In the morning, the people of the Golan were surprised by the large number of occupying soldiers. The eastern region adjacent to the ceasefire line, east of Baqatha and Masada, was closed and the vehicles entered personal lands owned by the Golan people, preventing residents from going to their lands. According to the information, the survey process will continue until Thursday, to select suitable sites for construction enthusiasts. After the news spread, the Golanists gathered in an attempt to reach their lands near the occupation checkpoints and attempted to enter their lands, but the occupation prevented them, while other enemy forces waited in case. that the confrontation spread to intervene and repress the people.
Since its occupation of the plateau, Israel has established more than thirty settlements, which have supported its resident settlers with investment, industrial and commercial projects to ensure the continuity of their settlement there, by exploiting the resources in the Golan at the expense to improve the well-being of the settlers. The “wind turbine” project is just one of them and mainly affects the people of the villages of Masada, Sahita and Baqatha on the occupied side, and my village attended firewood meals on the liberated side of Syrian land. It also affects the population of the occupied plateau in general, and its farmers in particular, who depend mainly on the cultivation of grapes, apples and cherries.

My veracity is al-Maqt a »Al-Akhbar»: The people of the Golan once again confirm their refusal to submit to the occupation.

What happened yesterday dates back to 2009, when the Israeli government issued Resolution No. 4450, which obliges the search for alternative energy sources, so that “as of 2020, it covers around 10 percent of the need for Israel from electricity from renewable energy sources ”. Consequently, a plan was drawn up to build 25 gigantic power generation fans on the private lands of the Golanis in the villages of Masada, Majdal Shams and the two areas of al-Muhajra. As a sign of the importance of this project, the occupation government classifies it as a “national project”, which means, according to the legal texts, that the Israeli Finance Minister can confiscate land from its owners to establish the project and endow it with an infrastructure network and all the necessary facilities. As for the person responsible for the execution of the project, it is a company called “Energics”, which, as identified on its website, is active in Israel, America and Poland.
The project has significant economic benefits that Israel will reap by confiscating land from Syrians. The planned turbines will generate 152 megawatts of power annually, which will be sold to Israel Electric Corporation, with estimated revenues of between NIS 150 million and NIS 160 million. As a settlement project that seeks to displace the people of the highlands, it is prepared to damage all areas of their lives, due to its serious environmental, economic, agricultural and health impacts (each of the fans is 200 meters long, while their giant blades make a huge noise), threatening all human and wild life around the project. Crops are severely damaged, mainly because the Golanites’ main source of livelihood is the agricultural sector, which places them before difficult decisions: either leave the plateau to the unknown or submit to pressure and renounce Syrian identity in exchange to obtain “Israeli nationality”, which the enemy tries to impose as the only condition. Because the Golanians had a “normal” life. The project would usurp 4,500 dunums of privately owned Golani lands, and prevent their urban sprawl, especially for the townspeople of Masada, whose lands are besieged by mines and closed military areas, and young people have no choice but to build. their houses a kilometer away where it was decided to establish the project.

The Syrian popular position
53 years have passed since the occupation of the Golan, and the occupation, with all its repressive practices and the state terror it imposes on the Golanists by destroying some 340 villages and farms, has not been able to push back more than 3% of the population of the plateau to renounce the Syrian identity. The dean of Syrian prisoners, Sidqi al-Maqt, told Al-Akhbar that, “Once again, the Golan people confirm their refusal to submit to the occupation and will not agree to approve the fanatics’ project at the expense of their presence and identity of the Syrian Arab Golan. ” Al-Maqt confirms that “there is a series of contacts and consultations between activists and the people of the villages, to take the appropriate steps to the generalist position of rejection expressed by the people today (yesterday), and there is no choice but to face this project to defend our homes and lands ». Although the position of several of those who agreed to sell their lands to the company involved in the project opened the door for occupation to implement their plan, these people do not exceed the number of fingers on one hand, while there is consensus among other owners to reject any sale. The first step in the confrontation is pressure on “those who departed from the national position to withdraw from their post”, which “threatens the security of the Syrian population and reinforces the position of the occupation that wants to displace the Golanis and steal their lands, “as al-Maqt says.
In turn, the journalist from Julani, Bassam Safadi, affirms that “the people of the Golan cannot accept this project, and they insist on facing the existential threat that the occupation tries to impose on us by threatening our homes, our lands, our health and our crops. . Previously, the ruins of the abandoned Golan villages, or those that the occupation is trying to build on private lands and village communes, in favor of the settlement project and the displacement of the indigenous population ”.

Damascus: Syrians have the right to regain their lands by all means
From February 2019 until yesterday, Syria has sent to the United Nations General Assembly and the UN Security Council, through Syrian Deputy Foreign Minister (former Permanent Representative of Syria to the United Nations) Bashar al-Jaafari , nine posts about the dangerous aggressive steps of the occupation on the occupied plateau, especially the fan project. And the project to establish a cable car and the continued violation of International Resolution 497.
The Syrian messages focused on revealing the enemy’s steps that were focused on forcing people to hand over the “Taboo” property titles to the occupation and replace them with Israeli documents, in an attempt to suggest the “normalization” of the population. original Syrian with the Zionist settlers, so that the occupation profit from this matter in the context of propaganda to facilitate the bite. The Golan Heights and the confirmation of the “annexation decision” before the world and international organizations, especially after the US recognition of “Israeli sovereignty over the Golan.”
All messages, of which Al-Akhbar obtained a copy, confirmed the stability of the Syrian position, as “the Golan is an integral part of the territories of the Syrian Arab Republic, and Syria will work to return it sooner or later for all the means available “.
