Will the closure be reviewed?


Many actors did not wait yesterday for what the government will announce today on the reconsideration of the general closure, to continue with their “rebellion” against the closure procedures, after taking a “spirit” of the suggestion of the Minister of the Interior and Municipalities, Muhammad Fahmy, two days ago, to the possibility of “reconsidering the decision Complete closure and allowing some sectors to conduct their business. It should be noted that the latter, apparently, was pleased to play” the role of lawyer assigned by the Association of Merchants to the government to the Supreme Council of Defense “, according to said yesterday the president of the association, Nicolas Deacon, after his meeting with Fahmy in the building of the ministry.

The interior minister confirmed to “Al-Akhbar” that he would transfer “the concerns of traders and stakeholders to the prime minister today, and a decision can be made with some ease, and no change may occur,” noting that the ministry’s decision to toughen the rest of the measures “remains independent of the government’s decision.”
And since the review decision is related to the recommendations of the ministerial committee dedicated to confronting Corona, which in turn are based on the number of wounded, there should be no changes to the current procedures, as the Ministry of Health announced yesterday at night there were 2084 injuries (10 of them imported) and 13 new deaths (total deaths). It amounted to 852), out of 13,065 laboratory tests, while the rate of positive tests per 100 tests was 15.2%.
A member of the Ministerial Committee, Mazen Bou Dargham, explained to “Al-Akhbar” that the final recommendations that were presented recently were based on certain facts, and that “since these facts remain as they are, the committee is not in the process of developing new recommendations “, noting that all the facilities have been taken in the matter of procedures. It will depend on the degree of commitment of the neighbors and the awareness of the seriousness of the status quo, adding: “We are currently evaluating their day every day, and all the proposals are still under study.”
However, betting on the discipline of the neighbors seems difficult in the coming days, after the phenomenon of evading the night curfew has intensified, especially since the decision to reopen some sectors would encourage the rest of sectors to demand the same. yourself and rebel against decisions. Here, my understanding promises that “the emphasis will remain as it is, and whoever rejects the rebellion to rebel,” noting that 1757 records were recorded yesterday, while the number of records since the start of the closure exceeded 13 thousand.
At this time, the pressure on the health and hospital sector is increasing, and with it the pressure exerted by private hospitals that impose conditions on the reception of patients. In this context, the Minister of Health, Hamad Hassan, announced yesterday that he had signed a new agreement with the Union of Private Hospitals to raise the rate of personal protective supplies that are used to prevent Corona and the oxygen used for treatment , provided that private hospitals agree to receive “Covid 19” patients, in accordance with the applicable legal principles. Action. The union also agrees to take all legal measures against any private hospital that violates the terms of the agreement (…).

Private hospitals consume 1500 lira per hour of oxygen

The agreement that came to withdraw the excuse of hospitals refusing to receive patients, Hasan said, set an amount of 300,000 lire as a daily cost per patient in the hospital for personal protection supplies in the regular room, and 500,000 lire in the intensive care room, as long as the patient is on the rosters. Notifications, or you were diagnosed with COVID-19 before entering the hospital. The agreement also stipulates that the oxygen rate be calculated at 1,500 pounds per hour in the intensive care room, as an exception for patients with corona and who are placed on a respirator, and the high flow oxygen consumption rate is calculated on the basis of 4,500 Lebanese pounds.
Thus, the minister was subjected to blackmail by private hospitals that had not shown their cooperation in one of the greatest health crises that the country has experienced in years, while it seems that Hassan’s promises related to the “rebirth” of hospitals Governments and their equipment have no effect on the ground, since these hospitals are the first with money and profits. That private hospitals will accumulate.

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