Will drugs become exclusively affordable for the poor? Phalanges


The possibility of the Banque du Liban lifting subsidies on the importation of medical supplies and equipment made the situation worse.

After the suffering of the health sector for months as a result of deteriorating economic conditions and the collapse of the national currency against the dollar, the possibility that the Central Bank of Lebanon would lift subsidies on the import of medical supplies and equipment came to get worse. the situation. With the continuation of the subsidy decision, importers continued to face various obstacles, which resulted in a significant shortage of stocks and medical staff had to reuse some equipment more than once, whereas previously it was designated for single use, So what is the situation after lifting it?

In the absence of any official initiative to handle the crisis that could result from the cessation of subsidies, the Union of Importers of Medical and Laboratory Equipment and Supplies took the initiative to “send a letter to the Banque du Liban with a copy to each of the Ministries of Public Health, Economy and Trade, “Captain Salma Assi revealed to Al-Markaziyah. With the aim of detailing the repercussions of the behavior of this trend, a series of proposals are proposed that help to avoid the problems that may arise from a similar decision. The book included a series of notes that came in the following form:

1- The aforementioned decision will have repercussions on the health sector as a whole, especially if it coincides with the deterioration of the exchange rate of the Lebanese pound against foreign currencies, such as:

Traders will not be able to import medical supplies that are sufficient for market needs.

Hospitals will suffer high operating costs

– The obligations of the guarantors will be doubled, especially since their budget is set in Lebanese pounds

– As for the most affected, the patient will be, since the drugs will be available exclusively to the rich.

2- In order to avoid the problems that may arise when the subsidy is lifted and / or its percentage of the merchants’ cash flows is reduced, especially since in previous times, bids and / or agreements were held with hospitals, based on in the cost calculated based on BDL Broker Circular No. Governor of the Central Bank of Lebanon, Riad Salameh:

– Considering all the invoices / files presented to the banks with dates prior to the date of the decision to raise and / or reduce the subsidies, subject to Circular BDL Broker No. 535, currently in force (ratio 85/15).

– Instruct officials to consider all bills of lading belonging to importing companies of medical supplies and with a date prior to the effective date of the decision to increase and / or reduce subsidies, in force on the basis of Circular BDL N 535 and currently in force (ratio 85/15).

Source: Central News Agency
