Who is the Iranian nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, who was assassinated in Tehran?


Who is the Iranian nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, who was assassinated in Tehran?

Al Qabas:

The West viewed prominent Iranian nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, killed in an attack outside the capital Tehran on Friday, as a leading figure in the Islamic Republic’s nuclear program, although Iran denied involvement, according to “Reuters.”

Western officials and experts believe Fakhrizadeh played a vital role in previously alleged Iran efforts to develop nuclear warheads following coverage of a declared civilian program to enrich uranium. Iran denies that it has ever tried to develop nuclear weapons.

A major report by the United Nations International Atomic Energy Agency in 2011 referred to Fakhrizadeh as a central figure in Iranian activities suspected of seeking to develop the technology and skills necessary to build nuclear bombs, and the report also indicated that he still may have a role in such activities.

Fakhrizadeh was the only Iranian mentioned in this report. It is believed that he was also a senior officer in the Iranian Revolutionary Guard.

The International Atomic Energy Agency had long wanted to meet with Fakhrizadeh as part of a lengthy investigation into whether Iran had conducted an illegal investigation into nuclear weapons.

A diplomatic source familiar with the matter said Iran had recognized Fakhrizadeh’s presence several years ago, but stated that he was an army officer who was not involved in the nuclear program, indicating that it had not intended to comply with the agency request.

His name was also mentioned in a 2007 UN resolution on Iran as a participant in nuclear or ballistic activities.

The National Council of Resistance of Iran, an Iranian opposition group in exile, issued a report in May 2011 that contained what it said was a photo of Fakhrizadeh with dark hair and a short beard. The image could not be independently verified.

The opposition council said Fakhrizadeh was born in 1958 in the Shiite holy city of Qom and held positions that included that of deputy defense minister, attained the rank of brigadier general in the Revolutionary Guards and obtained a doctorate in nuclear engineering and was lecturing. and teaching at Imam Hussein University.
