Who is Anthony Blinken appointed by Biden as Secretary of State for the United States?


US President-elect Joe Biden announced “Anthony Blinken” as US Secretary of State.

Anthony Blinken is an American government official, born in 1962 to Jewish parents, and studied law at and graduated from Harvard University, then obtained a Juris Doctorate from Columbia Law School in 1988, worked in his field of He studied for a period after graduation and then became involved in politics. American.

In 1999, he assumed the position of Senior Director of European and Canadian Affairs in addition to his work as Special Assistant to the President and continued until 2001, and the following year he was appointed Director of Personnel in the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and remained in his new position until 2008. And in 2009 until 2013, the Secretary of State nominated, began a new job as Deputy Assistant to the President, and also held the position of Deputy National Security Advisor from 2013 to 2015 during the era of former President Barack Obama, in 2015 Anthony Blinken was the first official of the United States government to hold the position of Deputy. In addition to the positions he held, Blinken was a member of the Obama and Biden Presidential Transition Team, as well as an activist for Joe Biden.

Blinken believes that Trump has put the United States in a state of total withdrawal of its allies from international organizations, which is a problem, and this can cause other countries to take our place or it can create a gap that, in their turn Once, it causes chaos. He noted that Joe Biden began by emphasizing the importance of American participation and the importance of leadership, which will make the United States appear day after day in diplomatic leadership, adding: “We hope that with the presence of all kinds of rising powers , strengthening technology and information, we must ban our side if we want to advance. “

On the Israeli issue, the media reports that Blinken is Jewish and the son of a Holocaust survivor, so he shed light on his statements about Israel in a recent interview with “The Times of Israel”, where Blinken spoke during his interview. on the incoming administration’s commitment to Israel’s security and said It could review a massive arms deal for the UAE as part of the maintenance of Israel’s quantitative army, and the site notes that Anthony Blinken said earlier this month: “One of the things that really shaped his support for Israel and its security throughout his career is the lesson learned from the Holocaust.” , Referring to the victims of the Nazi Holocaust persecution.

Blinken firmly believes that “a safe homeland for Jews in Israel is the best guarantee to ensure that the Jewish people are never threatened,” and this is one reason why he has not given up on the security of Israel, even at times when You may disagree with some of their policies.

After announcing the candidacy of Joe Biden to Blinken for the position in his new government, the former Israeli ambassador in Washington Michael Oren congratulated him, through a statement on social networks, “Congratulations to Tony Blinken, the great diplomat and true friend of Israel, for his nomination as Secretary of State. It is an honor and a pleasure to work with him for years in Washington, and I know he is a courageous and lucid statesman. I can’t think of a better option. “
