When will the Pfizer vaccine be on the market? Phalanges


The Pfizer vaccine for coronavirus has been shown to be 95% successful.

Yesterday, the American company “Pfizer” and the German “Biontech” determined the results of the third phase of experiments on the vaccine “Corona”, which they announced at the beginning of last week. And they confirmed that the effectiveness of the vaccine reached 95%, compared to 90% previously, based on the complete results of a large-scale clinical trial that included 43,000 participants.
According to the newspaper Al-Akhbar, the doses are administered to half of the participants, while the other half are administered doses of placebo, as approved in the third phase of drug and vaccine trials, and these are expected to be naturally exposed to the virus to study the reaction of the vaccine in their bodies. 162 of the group that received a placebo vaccine were found to be infected with the virus, 9 of them are in serious condition. While only eight of those who received the actual vaccine were infected, one of them was seriously injured. The ultimate aim of the trial was to evaluate the effectiveness of the vaccine after reaching 170 infections within the two groups.
The statement issued by the two companies confirmed that the effectiveness rate of the “Pfizer / Biontech” vaccine for people over 65 reached “more than 94%.” And this, if confirmed, will make it the most effective vaccine in the world, just like the measles vaccine, and more effective than the influenza vaccine, which was recently only 19% to 60% effective. The only significant side effects reported by more than 2% of the participants were fatigue (3.8%) and headache (2%), meaning “the body accepts it well.”
The statement from the two companies clarified that an application will be submitted in a few days to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to obtain a license for the emergency use of the vaccine. The scientific journal “Science” quoted an FDA official that its independent advisory committee for vaccines will meet on December 9 to review any requests for emergency use of the Corona vaccine.
It is noteworthy that these new results announced yesterday largely coincide with the preliminary results reported by “Moderna” three days ago in the context of its announcement of a vaccine to counter “Corona”. If the two companies win FDA approval, it will be the first vaccine made with human mRNA technology to be used on a large scale. The US Food and Drug Administration will study the details of the data on the effectiveness and safety of the two vaccines, details the two companies have not released.
The United States, Europe and other countries have requested the purchase of millions of doses of the Pfizer / Biontech vaccine, which they aim to produce 50 million doses this year, according to the newspaper, which is equivalent to vaccinating 25 million people (the vaccine is two doses) and 1.3 billion doses in 2021. However, a significant logistical obstacle remains, which is the difficulty of storing and transporting the vaccine, since it must be kept at temperatures equal to more than 70 degrees below zero.

Source: News
