What we see of violations equals criminality – Ambassador of the North


Doctors Union Calls For Full Closure: What We See Of Rapes Equals Crime

The head of the Lebanese Medical Union in Beirut, Professor Sharaf Abu Sharaf, issued a statement saying: “In light of the increasing number of doctor injuries in the Corona epidemic, which amounted to 17 cases in intensive care, 3 deaths and more than one hundred cases in home quarantine, and in view of the increase in the number of injured by nursing and hospital staff, we demand that medical personnel take additional precautions, precautions and preventive measures to avoid infections.

He offered his sincere condolences to the family of Dr. Firdaws Safwan, who passed away the day before yesterday, asking God to grant patience and comfort to his family and relatives.

He called on private and government hospitals to “equip special departments and rooms in Corona and secure medical and preventive supplies, to preserve the health of its workers and citizens alike,” and emphasized that “doctors, nurses and nurses are in the front row to treat patients, and we must preserve them so they can continue to do their job and treat us. ” .

On the other hand, Abu Sharaf considered that “what we see in restaurants, cafes, fruit and vegetable stores, and places of worship with overcrowding, social gatherings and contempt for preventive measures is absolutely unacceptable, especially in the capital and the main cities, and these are crimes that I almost say are criminal to each other. Hence the need to return to the full closure in coordination with the professional, economic and social sectors, pending the return of matters to an acceptable level, providing material assistance to those who need it most, and requesting the security forces and municipalities strictly implement government decisions.
