What is the relationship of cannabis to the crown?


A Canadian university, in cooperation with a research center specializing in the development of drugs using cannabis extracts, is conducting a study focusing on the potential of cannabis’ potential to prevent the Corona epidemic.

This initiative comes after a French study last April indicated that nicotine-forming cigarettes can protect smokers from the Covid virus 19, while Canadian researchers at the University of Lethbridge believe that some cannabis extracts may increase immunity. to the virus similar to the effect of nicotine.

The research focused on how cannabis extracts affect proteins that are a bridge that facilitates virus leakage into cells, and the study indicated that cannabis is modifying the proportions of those proteins to prevent the virus from entering the cell.

The study pointed out that these results may open the horizons of the manufacture of a medicine used for the preventive treatment of the epidemic in the form of mouthwash or gargling in domestic use.

The Canadian team created over a thousand hybrid cannabis plants to test it on human cells, while this research remains a hostage to clinical trials before reaching a solid conclusion, and therefore should not be too quick to rejoice in using cannabis as a drug. for Corona, provided it has not been approved by the scientific community.

It is worth noting that cannabis has medical benefits that led some countries to allow its use as a medicine to treat acute and chronic pain and mental disorders or as an appetite stimulant, under medical supervision, and that Canada started using cannabis as of October 2018 to be the first western country to legalize cannabis use and the second country in the world to allow Consumed marijuana for entertainment purposes after Uruguay in 2013.

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