What is required of us?


The crisis has reached a degree of extreme heat, danger and sensitivity, from the popular uprising to the dollar crisis, through the Corona virus, through the siege and sanctions, and not until the end of the government crisis, but rather the crisis of governance, and perhaps the crisis of identity … In the short or long term political future, but things will get worse and more complex. There are decisions that must be resolved, options that must be determined and steps that must be taken, within the framework of a national, official (or governmental) and popular, comprehensive, inclusive and profound vision or strategy. What is required of us?

What is required of all, and what all interested officials in the state or political authority want to say, is to discuss other options, as well as accelerate this investigative process. Conditions for the International Monetary Fund are also difficult and painful. The US sanctions policy continues, at an increasing and tightening pace. Consequently, the international community, in its western part, with its American wing in first place, and its European wing in second place, is not cooperative and not even positive, especially the American part, and the European part is moving in the same direction. , led by the French side, in imposing the blockade and all the pressures. On the Lebanese and the practice of extortion.
From here, it may seem useful – and it may also be necessary – to go back as quickly as possible towards the rest of the international community, in its eastern part in general, and perhaps the East in particular, in reference to Russia, China and Iran on the eastern level, as well as Syria and Iraq onwards. Mashreqi level, or even Kuwait. It may be that these countries – or the governments present in them – have the intention and the will to help the Lebanese cope with this crisis, or to transfer this war, and help to ease these burdens. It is only one possible option or possibility, in which it has become imperative to delve into an attempt to save what remains of the State, society and the country.
It is also necessary that all Lebanese, regardless of their sectarian and sectarian affiliations, or their political and intellectual orientations, unite around the army, this great national institution, as it is the guarantor of national unity, civil peace and coexistence. The army is the first pillar in any project, initiative or attempt to rebuild the Lebanese state, and perhaps complete the construction of the civil state and move towards the modern national state. It is an essential part of the common space among the Lebanese. Consequently, it is not allowed to continue attacking the army, to wink at its channel, or to demoralize its men in a discursive, volatile and irresponsible way, depending on the circumstances or situations.

It would seem useful to move as quickly as possible towards the rest of the international community, its eastern part in general, and perhaps its eastern part in particular.

Furthermore, what is required of everyone in this country, without exception who deviates from the rule, at this critical and crucial political and historical moment, is to unite around the resistance, not against it or against it, to face challenges , internal and external threats and dangers, in the sense of military and non-military resistance against the Israeli enemy first, and the terrorist enemy second, popular resistance against corruption third, and civil resistance against political sectarianism and sectarianism political to nullify factionalism in fourth place. Resistance remains an urgent national and strategic need. It is the second pillar to rebuild the state and “protect” it from within and without.
Likewise, what is required of people in the current stage, and in the period to come, is to exert serious and real pressure, that is, popular, moral and political pressure, to promote the conduct of correct decisions at a strategic and tactical level. . No more time should be wasted running around the same vicious cycle. It is also unreasonable and unacceptable to continue with more polemics, auctions and arguments as a matter of intrigue or political havoc between factions in the Lebanese way. The time is for diligent work in the public interest and the supreme national interest, according to the philosophy and logic of the State, and not to score points or goals between us.

* Professor of Political Science and International Relations at the Lebanese University.

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