What if normalization is imposed on the Lebanese diaspora?


The founder and president of the Emirates Policy Center, Ibtisam Al Ketbi, believes that “the Abraham agreement has consequences that go beyond relations between Israel and the Emirates, to include other Gulf states, South Asia and East Asia. Mediterranean”. His statement came at a seminar held by the “Washington Institute” hypothetically on September 14, during which Al-Ketbi addressed the reaction in the Emirates to the normalization agreement with the enemy, distinguishing between “the old generation that grew up with the narration that Israel is an enemy, and the new generation with a different vision. ” Citizens of 200 nationalities live in the United Arab Emirates who have worked together peacefully. The Abraham Agreement did not happen suddenly … and it represents a new chapter in the Middle East.

Precisely, Al-Ketbi describes, encouraging to the measure of his country, the “danger” of the Emirates normalization agreement, Zionism. It is not just a “peace agreement” between two countries that did not witness any conflict in the first place, but a “key” destined to enter that new Middle East, which attempts to impose itself in earlier stages, such as war July 2006, they have failed.
There is an unequaled relationship and “employment contract” between the UAE and “Israel”, whether in Egypt, Jordan, Qatar and Oman, or the rest of the Arab countries that are linked to the enemy by relations and agreements.
“The Emiratis are very excited about this agreement, and Israel should appreciate it because the former peace partners did not express the same sentiment,” said Dore Gold, Israel’s former representative to the United Nations, during the “Washington Institute” symposium, and the director of the project “Peace process in peace” agreed. Asharq Al-Awsat »at the aforementioned institute, David Makovsky:“ Israeli peace with Egypt and Jordan is of great strategic importance, but peace with the United Arab Emirates provides investment opportunities and a peace that Israel has never seen before ” . In the same context, the US magazine “Foreign Policy” published an article on September 30, in which it was written that “Israel’s agreement with the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain extends beyond the fragile peace with Egypt and Jordan. . They (the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain) can even help end the conflict with the Palestinians. “
The United Arab Emirates and “Israel” have succeeded in extending bridges of cooperation in all fields: culture, tourism, economy, money, banking, science, security and political exchange … which means a “strategic partnership” that almost exceeds the scope of its complexity and depth of the agreement between Lebanon and Syria after the 1990s. Quickly, the Gulf state wants to launch all its letters to “Israel”, burning all the scenarios. The relationship between them is public without “diplomatic claws”, that at least they reserve their face against the Palestinians and a large part of the Arab world – the people and the resistance – who still refuse to sign the surrender decision. Even Jordan and Egypt, when they signed the normalization, drew “boundaries” for this rapprochement for various reasons, including the absence of a popular supporter. Certainly, the discovery of the “Made in Israel” cheese variety on a store shelf in Cairo will spark a wave of condemnation and demands for its removal. Whereas, the United Arab Emirates, even before signing, began to become a “mushata” for the Israelis. This Emirati “insolence” has two interpretations: first, the diffusion of the plan to end the Palestinian cause and portray the enemy as a “symbol” of supremacy and prosperity, and second, that the United Arab Emirates is not opposed to breaking all the kinship ties, as long as its relationship with the United States-Israel axis continues and the military, security and strategic “benefits” that it includes allows it to establish itself as a “reference” in the Gulf: peace and a gateway to confront to Iran in the region.
The danger of the “Abraham Agreement” is not limited to the Emirates, but is a “bomb” through which it is intended to poison the entire region. This danger is not a secret and is expressed in “Western” circles. Foreign Policy Magazine is one such example. In his article published on September 30, he states that the presence of the UAE and Bahrain as regional trading centers “will allow the two peace accords to facilitate communication between Israelis and hundreds of thousands of expatriate workers, including Iranians, Iraqis, Lebanese, Palestinians and Syrians, connecting their countries. Enmity with Israel. Communication and interaction will be gradual, but “creating a space for these people to interact as human beings away from hostilities and exchange accusations will have an impact on regional peace.”
Behind him, the UAE is dragging all Arab countries towards normalization, and for this reason, the Western “celebration” comes doubly. The challenges facing the Arab and Iranian communities within them will grow in the coming months, and the most important will be those facing the Lebanese community. There is no exact count of the number of Lebanese in the Emirates, but it is estimated to affect 200,000 citizens, making it one of the largest in a “police” state that prevents you from political work, expression of opinion and freedom of choice, leading to the accountability, imprisonment and torture of community members based on their religious affiliation. In “peacetime”, security files were fabricated for the Lebanese with “an accusation” of communicating with Hezbollah, without the presence of any evidence, and several of them were deported, amid fears of new waves of major deportations with the deterioration of economic working conditions and the spread of the “Crown”. What will the situation be like at a time when all those who speak of “no” reject any kind of normalization with the enemy? This “concern” began to creep into Lebanese workers in Dubai: “What if our company asks us to cooperate with an Israeli person and build a partnership within the occupied territories? “If an Israeli customer walks into a hair salon, how will she be treated?” These concerns were not raised in the case of Egypt and Jordan “because the Lebanese community is smaller”, and in Western countries “there is a high ceiling of personal freedoms that preserves the rights of the individual, and most Lebanese have second nationalities that protect them if they refuse to cooperate with an Israeli “, in contrast to the Emirates, who do not abandon One option … but to expel.
Is Lebanon officially preparing for a challenging phase?

It will facilitate communication between Israelis and expatriates whose country is still in a state of hostility to “Israel.”

Officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates say that “the rush of the Emiratis towards normalization will pose to the Lebanese the problem of cooperation with the Israelis.” Discussing the issue within the ministry, but in a low voice, because “any announcement from us can illuminate the problem and harm the Lebanese in their jobs, as if their administration summons them, for example, and puts them before two options: normalization or exit “. In the talks within “Foreign Relations and Expatriates”, several options were raised, including the distinction between corporate partners and common employees, and the application of a policy of “turning a blind eye” on the basis that in other countries there may be Lebanese coordinating with Israelis “without our knowledge.” Officials justify this “complacency” by saying that their priority is “not to cause any harm to the Lebanese people in the face of the difficult economic situation.” It is true that the state has a duty to protect its citizens, but burying one’s head in the ground and invoking the economic factor to justify any cooperation is a dangerous matter, and it may be the “soft side” that the enemies of Lebanon will exploit to force him to surrender.
The issue is complex, and it needs a political consensus around it. “Then it was decided to postpone it until the formation of a government, and something tangible for us from the Emirates about the conditions of the Lebanese and the cooperation of companies with the enemy, and clarifying the environment from other embassies. The decision needs a government decision.

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