What did Michel Hayek expect from the port? And the name of the year 2021?


Michel Hayek predicted that the truth about the Beirut port explosion would appear on August 4, and said in an interview with the “mtv” channel that “a truth behind my truth will be revealed and no one will be able to hide the truth.” .

And he pointed out that “he puts the titles of the years after his expectations expire, but this year he could not specify a title for the year 2021 because he collected sad and joyful facts at the same time, because it is a year that takes a long time.” Hayek added: “I’d rather” call it the year of the untitled. “

And he expected “how many stars in the health sector will die out.”

As for the banks and the dollar, and Lebanon went bankrupt, he said: “The files will stop on a bold decision, and the mistake of the governor of the Bank of Lebanon will be a thousand and he will not remain silent.”

He added: “The destiny of the deposits is to return. So, Lebanese, rest assured, but I don’t know how.”

Hayek believed that “the revolution will break out and it can be violent.”

Regarding the issue of demarcation of the borders between Lebanon and Israel, he considered that “with our limited capabilities, we will take much more than Israel will take with its power.”

On Corona, Hayek said: “We will witness terrifying scenes, but the treatment or the medicine is ridiculous and I don’t know why they keep it from people.”

Hayek assured the Lebanese that “hunger is prohibited and they will not starve.”

Regarding the Beirut airport, Hayek was “afraid of him and for him”, hoping to “hit the eye, indicating that many of the countries that are friends before enemy countries do not want it to flourish.”

He noted that “Lebanon’s fear of Israel is appropriate,” noting that “only a miracle will accomplish the miracle in Lebanon.”

And he believed that “the uproar will be for George Abdullah in France in memory of Kamal Jumblatt.”

Hayek predicted “the formation of a government to break Ross from the start” and saw “more in the picture than Macron.”

And he considered that “the Maronite Patriarch, Mar Bechara Boutros Al-Ra’i, is” the axis and more than one ambassador and one ambassador, pointing to the security forces.

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