What are the symptoms of the new strain of corona virus in children?


The new strain of coronavirus appeared since early December and, despite being more contagious than the original version of the virus, it is no more deadly, according to scientists.

Although the original strain of Coronavirus was aimed at the elderly and those with some underlying health conditions, some evidence indicates that the new strain is more likely to infect children this time.

Children are thought to be less affected by “Covid 19” because of how the virus enters human cells, through a receptor called ACE2, which is found in many cells of the upper respiratory system.

The amount of ACE2 a person expresses steadily increases over time, which means that young children have very little.

Professor Wendy Barclay from Imperial College London and a member of NERVTAG said: “I think when it comes to children, we have to be careful what we say. We are not saying that this is a virus that specifically targets children or that it has a more specific ability to infect children, but we know that SARS-CoV-2 was not as effective in infecting children as it was in adults. “

She continued: “The older virus had a more difficult time binding to ACE2 and entering cells, so adults, who had abundant amounts of ACE2 in their nose and throat, were easy targets and children were difficult to infect. The newer virus has an easier time doing this, so children. ” They may be as vulnerable to infection with this virus as adults. “

“By looking at their mixing patterns, you would expect to see more infected children. Not because the virus specifically targets children, but now it is less daunting,” he said.

While researchers continue to study the effects of the new strain, studies so far have shown that the symptoms it causes are the same, namely:



– Difficulty breathing

– labored breathing


Chills, sometimes with chills

– body pain

– Headache

– Sore throat

Stuffy / runny nose

Loss of sense of smell or taste


– Diarrhea

While many children with “Covid-19” may display symptoms differently than adults, they also suffer from less severe forms of the disease.

The WebMD medical site indicated that you need to pay attention to a set of basic symptoms that can appear in children, including:


Runny nose with sore throat

– rash


Stomach ache


– Diarrhea
