Welcome to Islamic Vaccine Arabic Pens


For weeks we have been following many discussions about the Corona vaccine. Some may convince us and others will not convince us … But the strangest thing is what transforms the scientific discussion about the vaccine and its efficacy … into a religious discussion.

Welcome to the Islamic Corona vaccine! The story began when the ancestral mind noticed that at the head of the scientific laboratory “Pinotec” partner of the laboratory “Pfizer”, which soon announced the preparation of an effective vaccine against Corona, there are two scientists of Turkish origin, Ujur Shaheen and his wife Ozlem Turichi .. And the drum choir of the Muslim scientist and his wife (Most likely they do not know that the latter belongs to a Catholic family).

Now, let’s ask ourselves, objectively: All the vaccines that we have used since our childhood, and that saved us from various diseases, do we know the religion of their manufacturers? Has anyone ever talked about the Christian vaccine against such a virus, the Jewish vaccine against such a disease, or the atheistic medicine to treat such a disease?

Are we talking about the religion of penicillin or corticosteroid?

Are we talking about Jewish and Christian inventions?

Or does science really have no religion but humanity?

On another level, do we realize that these two worlds shine brightly in Germany, not because they are Muslim and Catholic, but because they have scientific competencies and because they are hard-working … and because Germany and German secularism and German politics are centered in science and scientific research … did they provide the conditions for them to succeed and shine in what they work? Outside of your religious affiliation?

In fact, even some western media outlets celebrated their Turkish affiliation and as the children of immigrants (without any mention of religion). But he did it, to attack far-right European rhetoric, which is hostile to immigration and immigrants … He did it to tell the world that immigration also produces brains, science and development, not just poverty, extremism and deviance. .. and we are content to celebrate that Ugur Shaheen is Muslim! Knowing that we do not know anything, and we are not supposed to know anything about his true religious convictions, because he was born a Shiite Muslim in a country that respects freedom of belief, he does not give us any specific details about his true personal convictions, and this is basically the logic.

Ugur Sahin, a German researcher of Turkish origin, may be involved in the manufacture of a vaccine that will save humanity from the epidemic, quarantine and death. Being a Shiite, an atheist, or a Buddhist is your business. That he has been successful as a researcher and scientist is evidence that immigration to developed countries helps distinguished minds to succeed and shine for their benefit as individuals and for the benefit of societies that provide the conditions for success, and sometimes for the benefit of humanity, as can happen if the vaccine in which the two laboratories are working is actually developed.

This, of course, without forgetting the original question: Ugur Shaheen, Uzlem Torichi, Ahmed Zewail, Moncef Al-Salawi, Rasheed Al-Zami, Zaha Hadid and other scholars and innovators that we celebrate in Germany, Great Britain, the United States of America and others, would they be successful in their original societies? Would they have excelled in countries whose governments do not care about scientific research and do not give excellence to researchers in various fields?

These are the questions we are supposed to ask ourselves whenever we want to celebrate German, Australian or American scholars of Turkish / Arab / Iranian descent. This, of course, with the claim that the religion of any of them is a personal matter that concerns them, as is the religion of Einstein, Edison, and Alexander Fleming.

In conclusion, let us remember that at the head of the Biontech Laboratory there are two scientists: the researcher Ugur Shaheen and his researcher wife, Ozlem Torici.

As you celebrate the “Islamic” vaccine, do not forget that you consider women deficient in reason and religion and that their place is the home and the rearing of children. And don’t forget that Ugur Shaheen has a true partner in love and scientific research, in marriage and career challenges, in life together, common aspirations, and shared dreams!
