We will not change our right because it is so shocking


Macron deplores the country’s timid international support for the tariff crisis (Lidovich Maran / AFP)

French President Emmanuel Macron again unleashed the crisis of the cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad on Monday, reiterating that France will not “change” its right to freedom of expression just “because it creates commotion abroad.”
“Five years ago, when the people who were drawing cartoons (in the Charlie Hebdo newspaper) were killed, the whole world marched on Paris and defended these rights,” Macron said in an interview published by the magazine “Le Grand Continent” on the Internet. , expressing regret for the relatively timid international support after the attacks. The last one in your country.
“Now we have a murdered teacher, many people murdered. But many condolences were timid,” he added, referring to the murder of French teacher Samuel Patty on October 16 and three people in Nice on October 29.
Macron noted: “On the other hand, we have political and religious officials from a part of the Islamic world (…) they said in an orderly manner:” You have to change this right. “This issue shocks me (…) I respect cultures and civilizations, but I will not change my right because it causes a shock to me. the outside “.
The French president thus referred to the angry demonstrations that took place against France and against him personally in several Islamic countries after his statements in which he defended the right to publish cartoons during the funeral of teacher Samuel Patti.
Macron said: “Because hatred is excluded from our European values ​​and because human dignity is superior to everything, I can shock you because you can shock me in return. We can discuss the issue and discuss it, because we will not get there. to a real confrontation because that is prohibited and because Human dignity replaces everything “.
“We will not lock ourselves in the camp of those who do not respect differences. This is a manipulation of history. The struggle of our generation in Europe is the struggle to defend our freedoms because they are being shaken,” he stressed.
American military protection
On the other hand, the French president said during the interview that Europe still needs its independent and sovereign defense strategy, even if it is a new American government, which could lead to more friendly relations.
Macron rejected what German Defense Minister Annegret Kramp-Karenbauer said in the Politico newspaper on November 2, saying that Europe should remain dependent on US military protection in the near future.
“I completely disagree with the opinion piece published by the German defense minister in Politico,” Macron said, adding that he believed German Chancellor Angela Merkel supported his position on this issue.
“The United States will not respect us as allies unless we take our position seriously and our defense (affairs) are sovereign,” Macron said.

“We need to continue to build our independence, just as the United States does for itself, and as China does for itself,” he added.
Macron spoke with US President-elect Joe Biden on November 10 and told him that he was ready to work with him on issues such as climate, health and the fight against terrorism.
(Agencies, New Arabic)
