We will intensify our efforts to address the problem of wasted money transferred abroad – Al-Manar TV website – Lebanon


The Strong Lebanon Bloc stated in its regular meeting, which was held electronically and headed by Deputy Gebran Bassil, that “the Lebanese no longer understand the reasons for the impotence of the designated prime minister and his reluctance to fulfill his constitutional duty to form a government in agreement with the President of the Republic. Faced with this position, the bloc raises serious doubts about whether the designated prime minister really wants to form a government or if he has the mandate in his pocket until God decides an issue that was in effect.

He considered that “the urgent health, financial, economic and life files require that the interim government fulfill its constitutional duty to proceed with the projects and decisions necessary for the daily life of the Lebanese.” Just as you are doing what you must do to stop the cycle of death as a result of the Corona outbreak, you must decide on the issue of raising indiscriminate support in a way that ensures the deserving food and medical needs of the Lebanese people without getting it. from the unworthy and in a way that preserves the Lebanese’s hard currency wealth for as long as possible.

He considered that “the case presented by the Swiss judiciary is very important to open all similar files, but it must be limited to the judicial dimension and not be used in any political framework.” He considered that this issue requires that the Lebanese Judicial Power accompany it with the Lebanese Judicial Power to assume its responsibilities and decide on the files and trials it has, and is related to the smuggling of money, some of which are of dubious cleanliness, while that others have been quietly transferred in violation of the principle of equality among the Lebanese, and this is what the bloc filed a complaint about and did not lift a finger until now.

In this context, the bloc asked “to activate criminal scrutiny, since there is no justification for not following it, after the Chamber of Deputies approved the law to lift banking secrecy.”

He stated: “The President of the Republic, General Michel Aoun, owns the idea of ​​criminal scrutiny, and never hid his objection to the financial and monetary policies that have been in force since 1992 with his programs and those responsible for them, but change them it is not only within his reach, and this is basically the essence of the disagreement between him and those who supported these policies and benefited from of which “.

He stressed that “it will intensify its efforts to follow up on the issue of wasted Lebanese funds transferred abroad, and will not leave a means to disclose them and during the general closure it will hold a workshop in this context aimed at accelerating the approval of all anti-corruption laws and laws. related to the detection and recovery of stolen funds and transferred funds “.

Source: National Information Agency
