We welcome the decision to designate the “Houthis” as a foreign terrorist organization!


The Yemeni Foreign Ministry welcomed the decision taken by the US government to classify the group “Ansar Allah” (the Houthis) as a “foreign terrorist organization”, considering that “the Houthis deserve to be classified as a terrorist organization foreign “.

He stressed that they deserve to be classified as a foreign terrorist organization “not only for their terrorist acts, but also for their ongoing efforts to prolong the conflict and cause the worst humanitarian disaster in the world.”

He added: “The crimes and serious violations of human rights and international humanitarian law perpetrated by this group of bombing homes and places of worship, the persecution of religious minorities, the displacement of opponents and those who criticized their practices, detention and torture of journalists and political activists, the siege of cities, the random attack of civilians, the planting of mines on land and sea, and the use of health and educational facilities. ” For military purposes and the destruction of economic institutions in Yemen, as well as its attack on civilian objects within the sister Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and its permanent and significant dependence on Iran’s subversive agendas in the region, the latest of which is the attempt to mass murder members of the government with political powers and undermine the political process in Yemen, all this proves the terrorist nature of this group. His lack of seriousness to achieve peace. “

He added that “Iran’s ideological, financial, military and technical support for the Houthis is what enabled them to participate in reckless and reprehensible terrorist acts, including the December 30, 2020 terrorist attack at Aden airport, which targeted to the government and caused dozens of deaths and injuries. “

Yemen’s Foreign Ministry noted that “the Yemeni government understands the concerns expressed by some well-meaning parties, especially those involved in relief operations in Yemen, that classifying the Houthis as a foreign terrorist organization may have “unintended consequences” for both the peace process and the humanitarian situation. However, it is continued and blatant interference by the Houthis that has hampered humanitarian aid efforts, and this classification as a foreign terrorist organization should be seen as a effective tool to stop their shameful behavior that negatively affects the conduct of relief and humanitarian operations and pushes them to stop the looting of aid and abandon their illusions of superiority and jurisdiction over the law. Divine government in Yemen and forcing them to sincerely fight for a comprehensive and sustainable peace “.

The ministry concluded its statement with: “To end this tragic situation created by the Houthi militia, the Yemeni government strongly supports the US government’s designation of the Houthis as a foreign terrorist organization and, at the same time, will continue to provide its full support. to all United Nations-led efforts to achieve lasting and comprehensive peace in accordance with The Houthi militia must abandon its terrorist approach and terrorist practices, stop obstructing United Nations-led peace efforts, and stop escalation and attacks hostilities against the Yemeni people and neighboring countries on a permanent basis.

Source: Arabic
