We warn of the danger of the exclusionary trend that Hariri is taking in his dealings with Aoun


The Political Council of the Free Patriotic Movement held its periodic meeting electronically, headed by Representative Gebran Bassil, and issued the following statement:

1. Once the parade movement that he carried out in the presidential palace in search of electoral popularity is finished, the designated prime minister must return to the constitutional and constitutional principles that he knows well and that he previously adopted in the formation of any government, because it is the only way to form a government of any kind.

2. We ask the Lebanese who believe that he will appoint the ministers of the Shiite and Druze sects, and that the prime minister will participate in the appointment of the ministers of the Sunni community, and why he persists in leaving ambiguities and ambiguities in the distribution . of purses, especially Christianity? Is the president of the republic a constitutional partner in the formation of the government or is his authority limited to signing the authorship decree? Do they understand the importance of forming a government in Lebanon from which Christian parliamentary blocs will be absent with participation and trust, and do the relevant references understand the meaning of returning to the era of political tutelage?

3. The Political Council warns of the danger of the exclusionary approach that the designated President is adopting in his dealings with the President of the Republic and with the relevant parliamentary blocs, and sees in this behavior a clear desire to call himself Christian ministers. , so it has half the members of the government plus one.
The Council considers that this is the true objective of Hariri to raise the title of the third plus one, and that is the reason that prevents him from presenting a complete and clear government formation to the President of the Republic, and above all, it is a condition of obtaining the confidence of the strong Lebanese bloc.

4. The Political Council reiterates that the Free Patriotic Movement will not participate in the government and will not give it confidence for the reasons presented by the designated president.
The movement refuses to give the president-designate and his team the plus one in government, because it will use it to prevent reforms, disrupt criminal scrutiny and curb all attempts to fight corruption.

5. The Political Council expresses its conviction that there are internal and external reasons that have prevented the President appointed until now from seriously solving the formation of a government and camouflaging these reasons by fabricating flimsy arguments, considering the time in his favor while he does so. It does not assume direct responsibility for stopping the collapse, but instead throws them on the President of the Republic and the interim government, contenting itself with carrying the card of the country of the president designated to circulate in the world.
He decided to fabricate a crisis with the President of the Republic and the political team that supported him, and created the problem of the third-party obstructor, which was not once an objective or a requirement in itself for the President of the Republic, who repeatedly announced it. Sometimes despite the fact that it is a right of the president and nothing prevents it, quite the contrary, for a state the President-Appointed is a way of sustaining the government and obtaining its majority. What reform and fight against corruption will the Lebanese reap as a result?
It also fabricates the theme of the number and clings to the number 18 because it includes a clear and deliberate exclusion of diversity in two basic components of the country (Catholics and Druze) and refuses to move on to the numbers 20, 22 or 24 although there are solutions to what complains on the subject of the third and a half and specialization.

6- All this so that the government remains waiting and kidnapped while the Lebanese complain, the situation is declining, and five months have passed, and the president-designate, despite his 18 visits, has not yet had the honor to offer an integrated government. training or at least.
A clear methodological document that is agreed between him and the President of the Republic and that has the approval of the majority of the parliamentary blocs, and that refuses to do so and does not explain the reasons for the rejection to any of its many critics, and it is based on maintaining the ambiguity and ambiguity that the government cannot form under the title “The State of the President is formed and the President signs!”

7 – The political council considers that escaping the right to reform cannot last forever, as the government will eventually be formed and the movement will play the role of constructive opposition from outside it in parliament and on the street and continue to persecute it. “positively” until the obligation to proceed with criminal scrutiny is fulfilled (and recovering the money transferred abroad. And with Capital Control) and with the necessary reforms to curb budget waste, control income and stop all forms of corruption in the administration and blocking of institutions, funds and municipalities that squandered Lebanese money, and will continue to fight to uncover the facts about the theft of depositors’ money, the policies that led to that, and the plans and solutions to return that .
