We reject the total or gradual elimination of support for basic materials – Al-Manar TV website – Lebanon


The president of the General Union of Workers, Bechara Al-Asmar, “roundly rejected the policy of withdrawing full or gradual support for basic materials, warning officials about the consequences of” improvised decisions that only aim to impoverish people with incomes limited “.

Al-Asmar said, in a press conference held today at the Union headquarters, in the presence of members of the bureau, the Chief of Staff of the National Insurance Fund, Hassan Homani, and a crowd of trade unionists: “We announce the absolute rejection of the policy of lifting full or gradual support for basic materials, wheat, medicines and fuels, which is being secretly implemented. And by infiltrating the rights of the working class and those with limited incomes, manifested in a decision by the American University Hospital Administration, in tacit agreement with some major hospitals, to pay the hospital bill at the rate exchange rate of the dollar 3950 LBP. Which stemmed from the intention of other hospitals to begin implementing this step early next week.

And he considered: “This matter means the increase in the cost of the hospital bill to more than three times, and the collapse of the purchasing power of citizens and guarantors, resulting from the incapacity of the National Social Security Fund, the employee cooperative state, military cables and insurance companies to fulfill their obligations, as the citizen will have to assume “. The difference is twice the amount paid by the guarantor companies.

He believed: “This leads to a total collapse of the healthcare system, and previously he repeatedly warned us that the removal of subsidies for basic goods, materials and medicines will lead us into a dark tunnel that the majority of Lebanese will pay for, in all his classes and classes. “

He stated: “Therefore, we conclude:
1- The absolute rejection of the economic and financial policies adopted, which led to the impoverishment of the Lebanese people and their transformation into a people that seeks to ensure a livelihood with no future medical, educational, social, operational or economic horizon. The people of Sheba and their youth seek to emigrate, isn’t what we are witnessing is a displacement project for the Lebanese people?

2- Rejection of the gradual and complete lifting of support for basic supplies, medicines and what is said about unexamined ration cards codified for 55,000 families, while the support of the entire Lebanese people is required.

3- Calling the Union of Owners of Hospitals and Large University Hospitals not to make any misinformed and unsafe decision at this stage and not to adopt any underpricing, as is happening now, because this will be met with immediate action, taking to the streets , sitting and movements in front of these hospitals.

4- Summon the Union of Doctors to issue the circulars that oblige doctors to adhere to the insurance price in accordance with the approved legal principles and not to make any decision by one party.

5- Go to some hospitals and doctors to fully adhere to the agreements concluded with the guarantee and not overload the content with any additional tax under the pretext of the difference in degrees within the principles of solidarity, solidarity and sacrifice in this difficult stage for everybody.

Al-Asmar thanked the Minister of Public Health in the interim government, Dr. Hamad Hassan, “who quickly took the initiative to address this issue with the competent authorities and guarantor bodies and the Hospitals and Hospitals Union concerned, with emphasis on the Need for the participation of the General Union of Workers in all meetings related to the issues and concerns of people and low-income workers in this period because its presence leads to create a balance and correct any defects in the treatments.

He warned: “Officials are against the consequences of improvised decisions that only aim at further impoverishment of the entire people.” Collapse. “

He concluded: “We turn to the conscience of the officials to urgently form a government capable of saving the economic and life situation, since things are on the verge of an explosion.”
