We doubt the ability of the parties to carry out the attack. Phalanges


The Phalanx Party’s foreign relations coordinator, Marwan Abdullah, saw two opportunities for the people: to continue to pressure the political class and to form a united front with speeches aimed at the interests of Lebanon and the Lebanese.

The coordinator of Foreign Relations of the Phalanges Party, Marwan Abdullah, pointed out that the Americans are clear about their direction, noting that everything said in the meeting with the US Under Secretary of State David Schenker in Bikfaya is being informed in the media about the focus of the issue of Hezbollah, the sanctions for it and its allies, and the course on the issue of reforms. Because any international support, and not just the American one, will be linked to the reforms that the government and parliament must implement.

In an interview with Al-Hadath TV, he noted that France has taken an initiative to support Lebanon and is grateful for it, but there are pre-existing conditions, whether on the part of the French or donor countries, which remain the same and related to reforms, the form of governance, stopping the drains of corruption and the agreement with the International Monetary Fund to enable Lebanon. To advance its economy, highlighting that these conditions have not changed.

As for whether the focus remains on Lebanon, Abdullah stressed that the interest is always there, as we saw the French president who visited Lebanon twice in 30 days in light of the Crown crisis and the economic crisis to seek a solution, as well as the American side when it supports Lebanon with emergency aid or the military and security institutions. And the municipalities and associations, this indicates a constant interest in Lebanon, but the task falls to the Lebanese, so will the stakeholders proceed with the reforms and benefit from the opportunity for international support, or will they remain different and exercise governance in the same way and the opportunities will pass from the Paris conference or from Sidr and others?

Regarding the French initiative, Abdullah said: “We reiterate our gratitude to France for the support and interest in the interests of Lebanon. However, the head of the brigades made observations on the subject of the initiative and is based on a series of points:

The first point on the issue of Hezbollah, which is why we always fail in Lebanon to describe the basis of the problem, explaining: “The basis of the problem is the presidential agreement that united Hezbollah with its weapons and the rest of the parties, that is , the arrangement to have a president of a certain line and all participate in the government and share the spoils of the state. ” The parties to this agreement remain themselves, and the agreement remains in effect ”. He added: “The main problem is that we cannot face this agreement and we say that the problem is in the presence of an armed party present at the table, in any discussion their weapons are present and this not only affects Lebanon, but also the region. and Lebanon’s relationship with the region, “adding:” If we do not discuss this issue objectively and seek Lebanon’s interest in light of this composition, then we will be hiding the problem and running through the minor issues that will be resolved automatically when the basic problem is solved. “

Second: “In a country that suffers from a health and financial crisis and the explosion of the port, where the responsibility falls on the entire state, from the head to the youngest of its employees, they do not want to go ahead with early parliamentary elections and we must return the voice of the Lebanese who rose up on October 17 “.

In response to a question, he pointed out that the French president’s message on his first visit was directed at the people, while visiting the port and affected areas in Beirut.

Abdullah explained that our observations are that the French initiative provides an opportunity for the parties to withdraw their confidence from October 2019, and the destruction that befell Beirut awakens confidence in them, as well as in the martyrs who died in the explosion, for what we are in front of the experience of the people who brought the country here, and honoring the media that will rebel as it happened. Always, and this is what happened in Cedar and in the missed opportunities that presented themselves to Lebanon that demanded the formation of an independent government.

Abdullah continued: “The formation of the next government started badly, such as how to agree on the name of the designated president and how the blocs want to preserve a certain portfolio and a certain sect that wants to receive a certain bag, considering that we are still in the point zero, since the abuse of the political class remains the same “.

He pointed out that if we consider that the political class triumphed this time and carried out reforms, the accountability will be greater because people will ask: “Why did I wait for the great collapse and the loss of Lebanese money and property to carry out these reforms while they could do it before? “

Questioning the success of the initiatives and reforms that the class will undertake, he affirmed that the people will hold those responsible accountable, whether in early elections or in ordinary elections. Therefore, we want the decision to be returned to the people so that the officials who brought the country here are held accountable.

Regarding what is required to go around the table, I regret that revolutions cannot be fought in Lebanon due to the diversity that exists and in the presence of an armed faction that has expressed on more than one occasion that it will maintain with all its forces the alliance, order and others, adding: “We are not going to make revolution in the sense of revolutions as in any democratic country. However, people have two opportunities: the first is to put pressure on the ruling class and not let it rest, either on the street or on social media.

The second chance: groups that rebel and oppose the governance and system approach must come together and on priorities related to the fate of the country and the Lebanese, demanding that we have a united front to offer the alternative to the Lebanese who fear the alternative in case they leave their party or fear the chaos that nobody wants. Conclusion: An alternative must be presented Its objective is the interest of Lebanon and it has no affiliation with anyone.
