We do not swear to a king or a dictator … (video)


The Chief of Staff of the US Army, Mark Miley, made strong statements during his speech at the opening of the Museum of the US Army, in which he spoke about the soldiers’ oath that “no gave it to a king, queen or dictator ”.

Along with him, Acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller, whom Trump named after firing Mark Esper, said: “We are unique among armies. We swear by the constitution, every soldier in this museum, every sailor, pilot, Marine Corps and Coast Guard, we will all protect that document regardless of personal cost. “

Miley noted, “The military has sworn to uphold the constitution.

But Miller succeeded Esper. Immediately after Miley’s speech, Miller responded by saying, “Thank you for setting very high standards for the new man, for coming in and making a few words. I think all I want to say to your statement is amen, well done.”
