We deal with the large number of injuries responsibly and realistically – Al-Manar Channel Website – Lebanon


The Minister of Public Health of the interim government, Hamad Hassan, inaugurated the Corona section of the Barelias Hospital, which operates under the direction of “Doctors without Borders” (MSF), in the presence of the head of the Parliamentary Health Commission, Dr. Asim Araji Julian Rikkman, head of the “Doctors without Borders” mission in Lebanon and the medical staff.

On behalf of Bekaa and the Lebanese community, the Health Minister thanked Doctors Without Borders for their initiatives, “after a quick decision was made between us after a meeting that brought us together yesterday at the ministry, and this was it produces as a result of the spread of the epidemic in an increasing and rapid way. “

“We have to deal with this epidemic seriously and decisively and be prepared for all possible scenarios,” he said. Today, through the MSF Hospital in Bar Elías, we secure 20 beds for patients with epidemic crown, 15 beds for moderate cases and 5 beds for intensive care, this means that we open today in the central Bekaa the possibility of receiving patients to relieve pressure over the capital, and allow us an additional period of time to prepare in cooperation with “MSF is a section in the Hermel Government Hospital in light of the increasing number of wounded there, and also in cooperation with MSF, a quarantine center at Hermel Government Hospital “.

He added: “We know that the challenges are increasing within the plan, in permanent coordination and cooperation with the Parliamentary Health Committee, Dr. Assem Araji, and his accompaniment with the Health Committee, and today there is an additional challenge where we have injured in the Roumieh prison of many security forces and a very limited number of detainees, and for this we spoke quickly at night. With His Excellency the Minister of the Interior and Municipalities, the Minister of Defense and the Prime Minister, we are working to secure two hospitals in the Bekaa and a hospital in the capital for prisoners and detainees, and we are working on a field center in accordance with a well-planned plan, and we are dealing with the high number of injuries responsibly and realistically. In return, they stand by us and are responsive and interactive, because the issue needs vigilance and reassurance to achieve the desired security.

On the confusion over the PCR results in the Zahle government centers, he said: “The controversy has been resolved, and the Lebanese community has become aware of addressing the PCR issue, and a group has been known to issue their TC results between 35 and 40, some laboratories consider this result positive and some laboratories consider it necessary Repeat the examination after 48 hours, because the person may be infected and recovering, or may be newly infected and their lesion is increasing, if required Laboratories, when the result is between 35 and 40, wait to announce the results and reexamine at 48 hours, and this patient is under follow-up and scrutiny. But what is required of citizens is not to rush to question and waste efforts, and to stick to the quarantine and not always throw arguments at the laboratories and the Ministry of Health, because society has a large part of the responsibility during the next period.

In turn, Araji thanked the Minister of Health and the organization “Doctors without Borders” that “provides medical services to the town of Elías and to the ocean without borders.” He said: “This building was built with our people in Barelias before the civil war, where they established an association and built this building to equip it as a hospital. It will be presented to the Ministry of Health, and is currently handed over to Doctors Without Borders, because this hospital is comparable to any hospital in Beirut, with the medical equipment and the valuable administration it has, and the Corona section is important for the region, and the MSF officials know the value of the torture we face when we want to admit a patient. Infected with covid 19 in the region, so patients are distributed between Baalbek and Beirut, and we fear that infections will increase with the arrival of the autumn season and that we will not have equipped care rooms, because in case of an increase in infections, the area will be in a critical situation. We warn and repeat the warning to once again comply with the preventive instructions issued by the Ministry of Health. Public sterilization, social distancing and use of masks, and I wish everyone’s commitment because we are entering the school opening season and the fall semester, and with the opening of schools, we must adhere to the medical protocol that was developed in cooperation between the Ministries. of Health and Education, and I hope that there is a real application of the preventive guidelines ”.

For his part, Rikkman indicated that “this hospital has been equipped to respond to cases of the covid 19 epidemic”, thanking “the existing cooperation with the Ministry of Health.”

Source: National Information Agency
