We are awaiting the arrival of 12,000 expatriates … There is no fear that we will cooperate and take precautions.


Public Health Minister Hamad Hassan visited the Jezzine government hospital this afternoon, and the deputies were greeted by Ziyad Aswad, Ibrahim Azar and Salim Khoury, and former deputy Amal Abu Zaid, the mayor of Jezzine Yahya Hamidi Saqr, chief of the Jezzine Khalil Harfoush Municipal Union, head of the Jezzine Charbeline Hospital. Hospital and medical and nursing staff, board members, mayors and mayors, political and party activities.

Minister Hassan
Minister Hassan revealed to him in a speech on the occasion: “We came because there are recently new cases of two cases of the Corona epidemic. We came to see the preparations, equipment, capabilities and capabilities available to handle the crisis, and we are ready to provide Needs and equipment regarding Corona, we started a campaign three weeks ago in the Jezzine area.The results were negative, with the exception of one case from the United States, and two days ago two new cases emerged.
The epidemiological surveillance team is conducting PCR tests in front of the hospital, and despite several cases reported this week, we are not immune to the outbreak due to the consciousness of Lebanese society. However, I note that in some areas where there is an outbreak for two reasons, some cases were caused by suspicions that it was crown and did not declare itself, or that some did not stray from their family and community. “

He continued: “We are awaiting the arrival of a new batch of our people in the expatriation, around 12,000. Previously, before the announcement of the general mobilization, we received around 150,000 expatriates and we did not have a crisis, so we are not afraid of the numbers of expatriates. We cooperate as a civil society, civil committees, the Ministry of Health and the ministerial crisis management committee and municipalities to protect our society. The Lebanese from the Corona epidemic and allowing expatriates to return to their land natal “.

He warned: “After the outbreak of the epidemic in the world, we must take more precautions for the next forty-eight hours until Monday, and we have taken a government-level measure for a mandatory source stone. Medical personnel from the Ministry of Health it will take samples in all Lebanese lands, bringing the number of samples to 75 thousand samples. “

Then the hospital chief presented a shield from the genetics industry to the minister.
