Waste accumulates … and the responsibility lies with the Ministry of Finance | Phalanges


After the meeting that took place yesterday between him and the governor of the Banque du Liban, Riad Salameh, the president of the Board of Directors of “City Blue” Milad Mouawad affirmed that Salameh has no objection to lending the state dollars in the file waste, placing the responsibility in the Ministry of Finance, which currently gives the order to pay the fees of the companies in lira. Lebanese.

The Al-Akhbar newspaper wrote: “Once again, debris piles up on the roadsides in Baabda, Chouf and Aley districts. It appears most clearly in the southern suburbs of Beirut, due to the huge amount of debris. And again, since last July, the waste collection company “City Blue” has met with the governor of the Banque du Liban. To find a solution to pay the company fees, although this is the case. The next week, the Ramco company is expected to stop collecting waste from the capital Beirut, Al-Matn and Kesrouan for the same reason, which is the state’s failure to pay company fees. The Crown Epidemic the accumulation of waste increases, with the impacts on health and the environment that it has on the tragic and tragic reality of the Lebanese people.

The chairman of the “City Blue” board of directors, Milad Mouawad, told “Al-Akhbar”, after the meeting that took place yesterday with the governor of the Banque du Liban, Riad Salameh, “The ruler is positive in this sense and does not obstruct it. ” He is informed that “he has no objection to lending the state dollars in this file”, placing the responsibility in the Ministry of Finance, which currently gives him the order to pay the fees of the companies in Lebanese pounds. But Salameh was clear with “City Blue”: “If someone tells you that I do not lend in dollars, then I say that I lend in dollars.”

According to the news, the problem of garbage accumulation is due, therefore, to the accumulation of fees of the waste collection companies, the majority in US dollars. In addition to the cessation of financial facilities through the banks, and finally the monetary problem for which the company can no longer pay the wages of the workers, the majority Lebanese, after deporting about 400 foreign workers, as well as the need to buy fuel and spare parts, which made, according to his administration, In case of not being able to continue working. Mouawad explains that the day we “made the tender (3 years ago), the tender was in dollars and all the debts that the company had were in dollars, in addition to our contracting with foreign companies, and all this entails expenses in dollars in cash ”. Today, “we are asking the state, at least, to pay the company’s fees in local dollars, so that we can settle the debts, pointing out that the banks do not receive the company’s debts in Lebanese pounds because they are in dollars, and this in turn, it prevented them from lending them. The current concern of “City Blue” is that “you can pay your debts. As for the rest, we can manage and carry everything we can.”

According to the newspaper, companies are trying today to hold a session with the Ministry of Finance, but without optimism: “I imagine that the Ministry of Finance will not tell the governor of the Banque du Liban to pay in dollars.” But what to do? “The solution is in the state, not ours, and as long as there is no solution, we cannot work.” It is worth noting that the monthly costs owed to “City Blue” range from $ 800,000 to $ 2 million. The company also has quotas with the state amounting to $ 16 million as a result of this year’s business.

At that time, the Union of Municipalities of the South Periphery began to remove waste from the roads. For this task, teams have been prepared to remove the accumulated rubble to the detriment of the Union and the municipalities, which are also suffering from the lack of payment of the State of the quotas accumulated in the Ministry of Finance since 2018.

However, the head of the Southern Neighborhood Municipalities Union, Mohamed Dergham, confirmed that the municipalities cannot replace the company or spend a lot of time on this file due to its high cost, which exceeds the capacity of the union and the municipalities together. He noted that there are 5 informal areas in the suburb that “shed around 150 tons a day, and the municipalities do not charge fees.” But the problem is not only here, since “What will it be like when there is no landfill when the Costa Brava is close to reaching its maximum capacity?”

The news continued that, since the Union and the Choueifat municipality closed a notice to the Costa Brava landfill last July, they stopped receiving waste from Chouf and Aley and the towns of Baabda and part of the city of Beirut because if it remains buried it will be filled to the end in a few months, while it was designed to be temporary and to receive waste from the municipalities of the suburb. And Choueifat exclusively.

The accumulation of crises, the explosion of the port and the resignation of the government prevented the closure of the landfill, because things became very complicated and “hitting the dead is prohibited,” says Dergham, adding: “However, the above does not it prevents us from facing a certain and inevitable disaster in the near future ”. From Dergham’s point of view, the obstacle is not only the Ministry of Finance, “it is an obstacle, and the Governor of the Banque du Liban is an obstacle and the Minister of the Environment is an obstacle, but each official blames the other. of responsibility and do not meet to find a solution. “
