Washington stipulated normalization with Israel to remove Sudan from its blacklist


The Sudanese Council of Ministers indicated that “what happened in Washington last Friday is the announcement of an agreement of principles between Sudan and Israel on the normalization of relations, since it was agreed to prepare an agreement between the two parties on the issue of restoration. of Sudanese relations “. It will be decided by the Legislative Council. “

The council said in a statement that “last August, the United States sent its Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, on a visit to Khartoum, who made an offer of recognition and normalization with Israel as a condition to eliminate Sudan. from the list of countries sponsoring terrorism, and Prime Minister Abd. God Hamdouk rejected that condition and called on the United States government to separate the normalization of the file to remove Sudan from the terrorism list after Sudan has met all the conditions necessary to complete the removal of your name from the list.

He also explained that “Hamdok also informed Pompeo that it is the right of the Sudanese people to decide on the matter of the relationship with Israel through its constitutional institutions, which have not yet been completed,” and noted that “the government continued to negotiate with him US government after that based on the conviction that the two tracks are completely separate. ” They reached an agreement to remove Sudan from the list of states sponsoring terrorism and for President Trump to notify the US Congress.To complete Sudan’s restoration of sovereign immunity that protects it from any further claims of compensation in US courts, and that settlement was announced on Friday.

The Council of Ministers stressed that “the US side suggested to the government of Sudan that a four-way phone call be made in which President Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu congratulate the President of the Sovereignty Council, Lieutenant General Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, and Prime Minister Dr. Abdullah Hamdok, to raise Sudan’s name on the list of countries sponsoring terrorism. It was also agreed to announce a principled agreement between Sudan and Israel on normalization of relations and to prepare an agreement between the two parties on the issue of the restoration of relations between the Sudan and Israel, to be decided by the Legislative Council.

He stressed that “Sudan’s insistence that the separation of the two tracks is based on the firm conviction that Sudan and its people are innocent of the accusation of terrorism, and that they develop their relations with the countries of the world on the basis of of the interests of Sudan and the Sudanese is a matter included in the documents of the revolution and recognized by its forces as necessary for democratic transformation and openness to the world, and that Sudan’s foreign relations are at the core of the achievements of the Sudanese people who are neither engaged nor engaged in the age of revolution and change.

In context, the Cabinet noted that “removing Sudan from the terrorism list turns the page on 3 decades of international isolation and opens up great opportunities economically, including what is to come, by starting the process of exoneration of Sudan from external debts accumulated through the initiative to exempt the poorest and most indebted countries. It is a heavier burden on the Sudanese economy, amounting to more than $ 60 billion, most of which comes from interest and arrears of debts that the previous regime could not pay as part of a comprehensive program of economic reform that the government prepared and approved.

He explained: “Removing Sudan’s name from the list of countries sponsoring terrorism also allows Sudan to re-engage with international financial institutions and make the most of development grants and global aid, as well as sending a strong signal to the return on global financial investments under fair and transparent contracts for infrastructure development and the agricultural sector. ” And industrial and make the most of the country’s wealth ”.

“This measure also allows Sudan to return to the global banking system, which will facilitate bank transfers and remove restrictions on Sudanese bank accounts, as well as lift all restrictions and end the difficulties imposed on Sudan travel and movement. around the world as citizens of a state sponsor of terrorism, “he said. The de-listing allows Sudanese to access all technical products and technology directly and without intermediaries, which were prohibited for Sudan and Sudanese.
