Washington punishes Asma Al-Assad | Phalanges


On Tuesday, the United States imposed new sanctions on Syria.

On Tuesday, the United States imposed new sanctions on Syria, targeting the Central Bank of Syria and blacklisting various individuals and entities, as part of ongoing efforts to cut funding to the regime of President Bashar al-Assad.

These measures come in the wake of a series of sanctions imposed by Washington on Syria this year, and are pressure from the United States to pressure Damascus to return to the United Nations-led negotiations to end the civil war that began ago. about 10 years.

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said his ministry had imposed sanctions on Asma al-Assad, the Syrian president’s wife, who was born in Britain, for her role in obstructing efforts to reach a political settlement. to war, along with various members of his family.
This is the second time that Washington has imposed sanctions on Asma al-Assad, as the first time was last June.

“The United States will continue to seek accountability for those who prolong this conflict,” Pompeo said in a press release.

For its part, the US Treasury Department said in a separate statement that the new sanctions add two people, nine business entities and the Central Bank of Syria to the sanctions list.

Millions have fled Syria and millions more have been internally displaced since Assad’s crackdown on protesters in 2011 led to a civil war in which Iran and Russia supported Damascus.

Syria is subject to sanctions by the United States and the European Union that have led to the freezing of foreign assets owned by the state and hundreds of companies and individuals.

Washington already bans exports to Syria and investment by Americans there, as well as transactions related to oil and gas products.

Source: Free
