Washington offers a $ 10 million reward to anyone who provides information on Hezbollah’s financial networks


Washington offers a $ 10 million reward to anyone who provides information on financial networks for


The US State Department announced a reward of up to $ 10 million for any information on the financial networks of the Lebanese “Hezbollah”.

The US State Department said on Friday that it would deliver this reward as part of the “rewards for justice” program, in exchange for information leading to the dismantling of the financial mechanisms of “Hezbollah”, which Washington considers a terrorist organization.

Specifically, the US State Department indicated that it would award rewards for information on 3 “Hezbollah” officials, namely Muhammad Qasir, Muhammad Qasim al-Bazzal and Ali Qasir.

The US authorities accused the three officials of “supporting terrorist activity” by “Hezbollah”, noting that they are overseeing financial transfers from the Iranian Revolutionary Guard to “Hezbollah”, and the hidden supplies of oil for the “Quds Force” of the Revolutionary Guard, and other Business.

This comes a day after the US Treasury Department announced the imposition of sanctions on two members of the Central Council of “Hezbollah” and 3 Iranian entities, in addition to the Iranian ambassador to Iraq.

Source: RT
