Washington is fortified with “wooden boards”. What happens before the elections?


And now those companies are reinstalling wood paneling on their facades, as a precaution before Election Day, scheduled for Tuesday, without any imminent threat or official warning.

While supervising the refurbishment work on the shop windows of a major building in the capital, John Lyell, a construction supervisor for a local real estate company, told the website "Sky News Arabia", That "What happens in the next few days will depend on how the elections go, and if the results are close, there is a greater possibility of unrest.".

Lyle added that the facades are fortified "Individual work that is not based on any official directive."and surely "People, based on their past experiences and their ability to take risks, must decide what to do.".

Last week, Washington police warned drivers that they could close some streets and prevent parking in various areas of the city, next Tuesday and Wednesday, along with the upcoming demonstrations.

"There were media reports of possible unrest due to the elections. These are volatile times and it is best to take precautions not to regret it later." Elisa Benton, owner and operator of a restaurant in Washington, tells WebMD "Sky News Arabia".

She adds that "Businesses have been hit hard in the spring and summer due to the Corona riots and pandemic".

Benetton doesn’t anticipate widespread unrest and violence, but he sums it up in one sentence: "It’s the year 2020 and we don’t know what it will bring us next!".


Vast areas of downtown, especially near the White House, appeared to be a coastal city bracing for a violent hurricane, as the glass facades of most hotels, office buildings, cafes, and restaurants were covered with panels. made of wood, with some temporary barriers that sometimes extended over entire streets.

The facades of many companies remained covered by giant wooden planks for months, after limited violence and looting that was interspersed with protests against police violence, following the murder of George Floyd, an African American, during his arrest in Minnesota in May.

And now those companies are reinstalling wood paneling on their facades, as a precaution before Election Day, scheduled for Tuesday, without any imminent threat or official warning.

While overseeing the fortification of the store in one of the capital’s main buildings, John Lyell, a construction supervisor for a local real estate company, told Sky News Arabia: “What happens in the next few days will depend on how the elections go and if the results are close. ” There is a greater probability of shocks. “

Lyle added that fortifying facades is “an individual act that is not based on any official directive” and that “people, based on their past experiences and their ability to take risks, make their own decisions about what to do.”

Last week, Washington police warned drivers that they could close some streets and prevent parking in various areas of the city, next Tuesday and Wednesday, along with the upcoming demonstrations.

“There have been reports in the media of possible riots due to the elections. These are volatile times and it is best to take precautions not to regret it later,” Elisa Benton, owner and manager of a restaurant in Washington, tells Sky News Arabia.

And he adds that “the business has been seriously affected during the spring and summer, due to the riots and the Corona pandemic.”

But Benetton is not expecting large-scale violence and riots, but rather sums it up in one sentence: “It’s 2020 and we don’t know what it will bring us next!”
