Walid Khoury: the issue of the country’s closure is under discussion


In the last few hours, fears grew that inaction measures, or the rush to resort to reopening the country, were out of place or unaccompanied by measures that compelled indifferent citizens to neglect, so that the “dream” did not escape, as it was said, and the Crown would repeat the “achievement of the mobilization”. .

Member of the Monitoring Committee for Preventive Measures of Corona Virus and Adviser to the President of the Republic for Health Affairs, Dr. Walid Khoury told “Major” that the committee will meet today to discuss what controls can be taken to prevent the spread of the virus and study the data that was registered on the infections and their origin and if they were caused by the movement of those that come from All Overseas or not, indicating that the issue of the closure of the country can also be discussed.

The brigade was informed that any decision related to the review of the general mobilization decisions requires a meeting of the Supreme Defense Council, which presents recommendations to the government, and it is not known if it will take place before the date of the session on Tuesday. or not, and it’s more likely too. .

In light of the withdrawal of the “crown defenses”, the Ministry of Health sounded the alarm, and the Minister of the Interior, Muhammad, hastened to issue a new memorandum: an old order requiring homes among the seven in the afternoon and five in the morning, under pain of applying laws or taking more severe measures.

In light of the evaluation being carried out today, Presidents Michel Aoun and Hassan Diab decide to invite the Supreme Defense Council to meet or be satisfied with what the cabinet will issue tomorrow.

It is not excluded that prevalence in society at the Crown level, especially after the closure of the Military Court, the judiciary, lawyers and various members of the military personnel, have to reconsider the decision to return to schools and universities.

In the Grand Serail, President Hassan Diab received the Minister of Education and Higher Education, Tariq Al-Majzoub, during this visit, discussions on educational issues and their development were discussed.

Al-Majzoub tweeted on Twitter last night saying: “The main educational decisions, especially those related to health, are dealt with wisely and responsibly, away from all populism. In light of rapid development, we should not all waste the compass, as our children are currently at home. And in the coming days, in light of the health reports, we will publish what reassures everyone. Your children are my children.

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