“Very soon” … Fauchi awaits the launch date of the Corona vaccine


Infectious disease expert Anthony Fauci said the news that the new corona virus vaccine produced by “Pfizer” is more than 90 percent effective is promising.

In an interview on CNN, Fauchi also said that he was confident that Pfizer would request permission for the emergency use of the vaccine and that “it is likely that the United States can get a vaccine for the public before the end of the year.”

He also noted that there are hopes of finding other anti-vaccines that can increase the chances of eliminating the Corona virus.

The American expert said that there is another candidate vaccine for Moderna Lab, which uses the same system and which would support mRNA technology.

The Pfizer vaccine uses an unauthorized technology called messenger RNA, or mRNA, to produce an immune response in vaccinated people.

The federal government of the United States has invested $ 1.95 billion in a vaccine, which Pfizer and its partner BioNTech, but is not working directly to help develop it.

The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, which Fauci directs, is working with Moderna and other companies to test their experimental vaccines.

There are four advanced stage coronavirus vaccines, which are currently being tested for phase three in the United States.

Fauci said that Pfizer was able to get results very quickly due to the large outbreak of the epidemic.

The American expert believes that the speed to obtain the test results depends on the size of the experiment and the number of infections in the community, so Pfizer was able to test the vaccine on a large scale, which ultimately demonstrated a great success rate .

“This was an experiment targeting 44,000 people and we are in the midst of a massive surge right now,” Fauci said. “These two things together increase the likelihood that you will get a quick response, which is what happened, we got a response quickly.”

US stocks rose at the opening bell in New York on Monday in response to news of the success of the US vaccine, as the Dow index opened at 1,600 points.

Oil prices also rose significantly, as the price of US crude rose 11 percent to $ 41.22 a barrel.
